Smart vs. Stupid

I have been “very smart” in my life, and there have been times when boy-oh-boy was I stupid. Proverbs 14:29 says, “A patient person is very smart. A quick-tempered person makes stupid mistakes.” Accumulating stupidity isn’t something that sounds like a “smart” idea to...

Claimin' and prayin'

Psalm 67:1-2 reminded me of what I hope to be through this website and in person as well.  It is a song of praise that says, “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine on us, so that Your ways may be known on earth, Your salvation among all...

Don't judge…..

Judging others.  This is something we do.  At least I know I have been and occasionally I’m still guilty of it. Scenarios: You see someone with tattoos all over them and think they must be bad to the bone. (And not in a good way.) You see someone who is Middle Eastern...

Be Better instead of Bitter

Yesterday I was enjoying, at least I thought I was, M&M pancakes with my son. (Yes! Chocolate for breakfast!)  Mmmm, the sweet taste of the syrup and the buttery-flavored stack of hot pancakes were just what my stomach needed wanted. All of a sudden, chew, chew,...

"Hurry Up and Wait"

Have you ever been in a situation when you needed to make a move or come to a final decision, you had chatted with (prayed to) God about it, but He wasn’t responding in the timely manner you needed Him to?  You’ve put yourself in one of those “hurry up and wait”...