I love this picture of Hunter fly fishing on the point at sunset. Peace!

“Better to be patient than powerful;” Proverbs 16:32a
God seems to be teaching me this more and more each day.
Think about it, when we practice patience we may feel that we are more vulnerable during those times.  When we may want to control a situation, to feel more “powerful”, God often nudges us in His humble direction, as if He is saying, “Patience, my child.”
When we practice patience, we are exercising our reliance on God.  Relying on Him is exactly what He wants us to do.
When we practice patience, it may make us feel like we are not in control and fear may set in.  That’s exactly what Satan wants us to feel.  But God tells us over and over again in His Word to “not be afraid”.
Isaiah 41:13, “For I hold you by your right hand—I, the Lord your God.  And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.’”
This just made me think of the Beatles song, “I Want to Hold Your Hand”.  That’s what God wants to do…hold your hand, be The Man, and make you feel all happy inside.
When I reread this verse in Proverbs, I can see how God would put this verse in the bible.  When we are patient, it is definitely better than being powerful.  Why?  Because when we feel a sense of dominance, we’ve taken some authoritativeness away from God.  Ut-oh, don’t forget Who is in control.
As I am typing this, God is teaching me all kinds of patience.  A lady kept texting me with long drawn-out messages. Enough! Cole kept coming in the room wanting me to make him some food. It’s not even dinner time!  And then, Tim was putting a large Ziploc bag of fish in the freezer, and the bag busted all over the place.  Really, God? Okay.  I’ve got it.  “Patience, My dear.”
Blessings and God’s abundant love to all!
July 2