Just Breathe. 
Have you ever been near a chemical plant, landfill, freshly “used” cow pin, or your own trash on a later day than normal trash day, and tried to inhale deeply?  Ugh!  That is stanky!  You know you want to remove yourself from that vicinity as soon as possible.
Now, let’s switch the scenario. Place yourself in a new car, a field of wildflowers, or a laundry room where the fresh dryer sheets or clothes detergent’s aroma fills the room.  Ahhh, the newness, beauty, and freshness are so pleasant.
That’s a lot like our daily walk with God. 
When you are in a situation where you are surrounded by sin or wallowing in it yourself, you feel “stanky”.  Flee!  Run far away so you won’t have to breathe in the foulness, and be consumed by it.  Sin can consume you.  It’s up to you to turn from sin, and instead turn to God.
When you are spending time growing closer to God, desiring to know Him more, and spending time in His word, that is a pleasing aroma to God.  You will feel “as fresh as a daisy”. Inhale God’s goodness.  Fill yourself with His love and exhale His love to others.
Inhale.  Exhale.  Inhale God.  Exhale God.  Now doesn’t that feel refreshing?  Glory!

  • Psalm 150:6, Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.  Praise the Lord.”
  • 2 Timothy 3:16a, All Scripture is God-breathed

That’s what I thought about while focusing on my breathing today while working my abs.  Turn your daily life routine into a God thought.  Go for it!
Enjoy getting fit physically and spiritually.
3 John 1:2, “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”
I’m praying God’s blessings and abundant love for you.