Soaring like an eagle!

Soaring like an eagle!

Some may ask, “Why?”  “Are you crazy?”  “The family too?”
I may respond, “It’s exhilarating!”  “Why not?”  “Live life to its fullest!”  “Call me crazy.” “Let’s do this!”
In Isaiah 40:31 we read, “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint.”  Well, today I soared high like an eagle, and I dragged my husband and eldest son along with me.
What did we do?  To steal a line from Tim McGraw’s song, we “went skydiving….Lived like we were dying.” Yes, we jumped out of a perfectly fine plane while it was 14,000 feet into the air.
My man!  He conquered his fear of heights and did it!  (That will be another devotional for another time.)

My man! He conquered his fear of heights and did it! (That will be another devotional for another time.)

Okay, now you can say it…“Why?”  “Are you crazy?”  “The family too?” And my response would be…”Yes!”  “It’s exhilarating!”
I wasn’t nervous.  (I’m not sure why not.)  When my feet began to dangle outside of the plane before my instructor, Brian, and I jumped (okay, he pushed, I just went), I did feel a little apprehension, but I felt secure in knowing that someone had my back, literally.
I thought about how this experience can equate to becoming a Christian.
Some may ask, “Why?”  “Are you crazy?”  “The family too?”  when you tell them that you are a new Christian.
Why wouldn’t you?  A life with Christ is truly living!  Matthew 7:21 says, Not everyone who calls Me ‘Lord’ will enter God’s kingdom. The only people who will enter are those who do what my Father in heaven wants.”  I know to know that I will enter Heaven’s Gates.  I definitely don’t want the alternative.  Jesus instructs us in John 3:3,“Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”  Are you born again?  I sure hope so.  (Click here  for more info on becoming a Christian.)
I may be a tad bit crazy.  Unfortunately, there are people out there that think that being a Christ follower is CrAzY!  And, unfortunately, some professed Christians do act a bit bizarre.  But who are we to judge how deep and wide their love and devotion to Christ is?  Just rejoice in the fact that they are saved and not living the life they probably once were living.  You can call me “Crazy for God” any time.

  • “We know what it means to fear the Lord, so we try to help people accept the truth. God knows what we really are, and I hope that in your hearts you know us too… If we are crazy, it is for God. If we have our right mind, it is for you.”2 Corinthians 5:11 and 13


Hunter getting his flight on!

Hunter getting his flight on!

Yep, I dragged Tim and Hunter along with me too.  In Acts 16 we see the story of when Paul and Silas were put in prison, an earthquake happened, and the doors were open and the prisons were unchained.  The prison guard was about to kill himself thinking that the prisoners had escaped, but Paul and Silas assured him that not one did.  After that encounter the guard wanted to know what he needed to do to be saved.  But it wasn’t just the guard that accepted Christ that night, his whole family did! (Acts 16:31-34)  Praise Jesus!
I am so grateful that my entire family has been born again.  Praise Jesus!
“Live life to its fullest!”  That is exactly what God wants us to do.  In John 10:10 Jesus said, I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
Okay, so maybe jumping out of a plane isn’t exactly what God meant by “living life abundantly”, but today it sure felt pretty stinkin’ close.
Much like I felt secure in knowing that someone had my back, Someone DOES have our back.  In Matthew 28:20b Christ said, “You can be sure that I will be with you always. I will continue with you until the end of time.”  Always and forever…God’s got your back!
So my response to skydiving and/or becoming a Christian is still…“It’s exhilarating!”  “Why not?”  “Live life to its fullest!”  “Call me crazy.” “Let’s do this!”
Having Christ in your heart will be the most thrilling thing that could ever happen to you!  Just do it!
I pray God’s abundant love and blessings for y’all. we did it skydive
We landed!

We landed!