OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI had to laugh this morning, not once, but three times, at this underlying theme that God evidently has for me this week! Whether these subtle clues are directly for me or just for me to share with you, I appreciate His ingenious hints about JOY. Yep, joy.
You know how for the past two days I’ve written about joy?  Well, go ahead and add a day three.
First of all, when I read today’s reading from Jesus Calling devotional book, it was about finding joy in His Presence.
Then, when I turned to the verse-of-the-day at biblegateway.com, the verse came from Proverbs 15:23.  This verse says, “A person finds joy in giving an apt reply—and how good is a timely word!”
But wait, I’m not done yet. Finally, my Sunday school co-teacher sent a text message out to all the 9th grade girl and we leaders.  It stated “If we find our worth and identity in temporary things, then our satisfactions and joy will also be temporary.  When we recognize our worth in Jesus, our satisfaction and joy is infinite because Jesus too is infinite.”
All of this happened within a five minute time frame this morning. Each reading/reminder gave me joy each time.
I dug a little deeper and read all of Proverbs 15.  Throughout this chapter, it was reiterating how joy isn’t just something we feel, but do.  It is expressed in our deeds and words, and can be spread to others. Joy is contagious!  This is one disease that I sure don’t mind catching or spreading.
Go! Go spread some joy to those around you today.
I pray God’s abundant love and blessings for y’all.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on any of these devotionals. Please send a private message to: [email protected]