walk in wisdomDecisions. Decisions. Decisions. We make them every day. Some may be miniscule compared to more elaborate or difficult choices to be made, but regardless…we all have decisions to make on a daily, often every second of the day.
The choices we make don’t only affect us, but others around us as well. So whatever you do, pray. Pray for God to guide you to make the right resolution. Yes, even in those choices that you deem “not worthy” or “not a big deal”. To God, if you have to make a choice about anything, it is a “big deal” to Him.
I believe one of the greatest illustrations of what to ask God for in the bible is what King Solomon (David’s son) asked God for. In verse 7 of 2 Chronicles 1 we read, “That night God came to Solomon and said, ‘Ask me for whatever you want me to give you.’” Now, what would you say? Think about it. If God literally verbalized to you, “Ask Me for WHATEVER you want and I’ll give it to you?” What would you say? Ha! I’m sure a couple of weeks ago when the lottery, Powerball, was over a billion dollars, there were many folks asking for prayer to win THAT.
Well, King Solomon could have ask for more wealth, fame, “whatever”, but he asked God for wisdom.
“Now give me wisdom and knowledge so that I can lead these people in the right way. No one could rule this great nation without your help.” 11 God said to Solomon, “You have the right attitude. You did not ask for long life and riches for yourself. You did not ask for the death of your enemies. You asked for the wisdom and knowledge so that you can make the right decisions.” 2 Chronicles 1:10-11
(This sure sounds like a request that I sure desire for my next elected president of my country to ask for. Can I get an “Amen”?)
With as many choices as we have to make each day, if we are conversing with God and asking Him to guide us when making our decisions, the outcome will be pretty okay. Actually, better than okay.
Another thing to think about…If we are chatting it up with God on every choice to be made in our lives, we are spending a lot of time with Him. Can you just imagine the smile that that puts on His face when we seek Him constantly? Sweet!
I read in a commentary by Matthew Henry, “Men’s characters appear in their choices and desires.” What characteristics are you displaying with the choices you are making in you life?
My friend, I pray that before you make ANY decision in your life, great or small, that you will ask God for wisdom first.
“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” James 1:5
Your Heavenly Father would LOVE for you to come to Him asking Him to guide you and to give you wisdom. He would above all desire for you to make the GREATEST DECISION ever…to ask Jesus into your heart and make Him the Boss of your life.
I pray that you will enjoy soaking up The Son every moment of each day. –Stephanie
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