Hunter, Tim, me, Holly, and Cole. <3

Hunter, Tim, me, Holly, and Cole. <3

We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

We are family.
Are we perfect? No.
Do we always get along or agree? Ha!
Do we drive each other crazy? In good and bad ways.
We may not always like each other, but we so do LOVE each other.
It thrills my soul when I have all my babies with me, and I believe I’m not the only one. Tim called me yesterday and said, “Tonight I just want the five of us home for my early birthday dinner.” I texted the kids to let them know their daddy’s wishes. As you can see from the picture, Tim got his request.
I LOVE it!
Love. Why? Because HE first LOVED us.
One of the greatest joys in my life is knowing that ALL my family have accepted Christ as their personal Savior.  We will all be together on earth AND in Heaven!!
Have a beautiful weekend.
Always enjoy soaking up The Son wherever you are.  He is everywhere and has so much to share with you.  God is love and He loves you!