
Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. Psalm 27:14

When I read this morning’s scripture, I smiled, even giggled, and said, “Yes, Lord.”
I give situations to the Lord, often keep praying over-and-over for His will to be done, only to keep wondering…” Well, when will You respond, Lord?” Do you ever do that too?
A current circumstance I’m fervently praying for now almost seems like a multiple-choice test, when there are multiple responses to the question. One answer is correct, yet there are other factors which make the correct answers A, C, and E all the responses for full credit. God may have answered A and C, but it is not time yet for E to be marked. Ugh!
In the meantime, wait. Be brave. Be courageous. Live. Love. Laugh. Be an encourager. Remember…GOD’S GOT THIS.
Smile. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Many blessings to you and yours,