I’m walking into 2018 with hope and excitement.
Wait…I said walking!  Yes!  Heck, Tim and I were DANCING the midnight hour in, when 2018 approached.
Two observances here…
1)      I wasn’t walking OR dancing last New Year’s.  My foot was still propped up from receiving a steel plate and six screws in it.  This past year has been a year of “being still”, “seeking His will”, and being creative. (More journal entries to come regarding those areas.) So, for us to be dancing the New Year in, already sounds promising. Exciting!
2)      Midnight!  I wasn’t sure if I would be seeing the back of my eyelids or the ball drop at midnight.  To my surprise, my man and I were up, and ready to see what God has in store for us and our family.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Notice the three instances that occur in this one small bible verse…hope, patient, and prayer:
Hope.   One of the definitions for hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.  We often “want” things a certain way. Yet, recently I’ve been reminded that what or who we “want” is in God’s hands.  What we need to “want” is His will for our lives.  When we focus on God’s will, it WILL turn out best.  We may not see it that way at first, or even months or years later, but in time, God’s plan will be revealed.  I pray for you to have hope in any situation that is presented to you.  Have hope that God is holding your hand through it all.  Have hope that joy comes in the morning.  Have hope that He desires the best for you.  Have HOPE.  JOYFUL hope.

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 15:13

Patient.    The quality of bearing a situation with fortitude, calmness, and without complaint.   There are numerous “afflictions” that will arise throughout your life.  Some may feel that they are needing an abundance of this characteristic daily.  (I feel ya.)  And we often heard the expression, “Don’t pray for patience because you will get tested more than you imagined.” I pray that remember to just breathe.  Breathe in the breath of God.  He is the God of kindness and mercy.  He is full of love and patience, and He’s ready to shower you with it all.

My Lord, you are a kind and merciful God.  You are patient, loyal, and full of lovePsalm 86:15

PrayerNotice that we aren’t instructed to just pray at mealtime or before we lay our head down at night, yet faithful in prayer.  Adhere to talking to God throughout your day.  He’s available 24/7.  He wants to hear your cries for help, thankfulness, repentance, and praise.  This chic is HUGE on prayer.  I’ve learned from my brothers’ modeling to pray on the spot when someone ask for prayer.  I challenge you utter a quick and heartfelt prayer: when you see someone having a tough time, for the clerk behind the counter at the grocery store, for the men and women in service and first-responders when you drive by and see them, for our President and all government officials, and this list is limitless. I pray that you will do as David said in Psalm 116:2 , and pray as long as you have breath.  “Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!”
As you walk, run, or even dance into 2018, have hope, joyful hope, in each new day.
Blessings to you and yours,