Have you ever needed a friend to encourage you to stay strong in your faith in God or to help you find strength in God? I have.  Maybe you’ve been the friend who helped another stay strong or find strength.  Bless you.
I’ve been on both ends of this scenario, and I am grateful for my godly friends and that I was able to be an encourager to others as well.
In 1 Samuel 23:16 it says, “Jonathan went to find David and encouraged him to stay strong in his faith in God.” (NLT) “find strength in God” (NIV).
I hope that you have a “Jonathan” in your life.  I pray that you find encouragement from my journaling each day and allow this to be a “Jonathan” for you. May you go and be a “Jonathan” for someone today.
Always remember, God is the greatest friend ever!
Here’s the Phillip, Craig, and Dean song “I am a Friend of God” video.  Enjoy.

May 26

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