1 Kings 18:1-46
v. 37, “Back again”
The people knew, but had been led astray. They needed a reminder. That reminder came from Elijah, or I should say through Elijah, yet from God.
I love the story of Elijah and the prophets of Israel. You see, the people had turned from God again, and were worshipping other gods. Elijah asked them, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Ball is God, follow him.” The prophets were speechless. They had been called out and probably knew in their hearts that they were in the wrong.
Has that ever happened to you? Boy I know it has to me. I did one thing when I knew it was wrong and I should’ve done the right thing. When I was found out, ouch. What could I say? I was wrong.
Back to Elijah….Picture this: Two stacks of wood. One stack of dry, read-to-burn, wood; the other drenched with water. Not just drenched, but was soaking in water. Which do you think caught on fire? Well, the dry wood was for the prophets calling out to their god, Ball, to light the fire. They went on for hours, chanting, dancing, cutting themselves (that’s another devotion in itself), etc. No fire! Baal…a god? Really?
When it was Elijah’s turn, he just prayed to the one true God and asked Him to light the soaked firewood so that all the people will know that God is God and their hearts will turn back again to The True God. (v. 36-37)
How did this all end? Let’s just say that it didn’t take hours of chanting, dancing, etc.; it just took a simple prayer and fire burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones, the soil, AND the water immediately! (v. 38)
Two things (probably more but,) to learn from this:
1) If you are a believer, then stand strong for God. Even if you are standing alone, stand up for God in the face of others. Your stance can and will make a difference in the lives of others. It just took one Elijah to stand up for God and hundreds of people turned back to God. Go be an Elijah!
2) If you have fallen astray from God or have never been a believer; what are you waiting for? There is only one true God. There is only one way to heaven. Turn to Him and live a life of abundance and hope.
Be consumed with God’s love.