by ssadmin | Dec 7, 2012 | Daily Journaling
I LOVE the story in Daniel about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Their strong conviction and belief in God and how He saved them from the fiery furnace, without even the smell of smoke on their clothes, always encourages, humbles, and amazes me. Especially this time...
by ssadmin | Dec 6, 2012 | Daily Journaling
You know what drives me crazy? When I know someone has their cell phone on and they don’t answer. (I’m not mentioning any names…Hunter, Holly, and Tim) There have been times that any of the aforementioned culprits have sent me a text, and I’ve immediately called...
by ssadmin | Dec 5, 2012 | Daily Journaling
28-33 times in 15 verses. Is it Valentine’s Day and I missed it? Oh, no, it’s just an ordinary day for God. I just read fifteen verses in 1 John and, depending on the translation, read the word “love” twenty-eight to thirty-three times! Do the math. That’s about...
by ssadmin | Dec 4, 2012 | Daily Journaling
Just about every time my son, Hunter, gets ready to go out with his friends, I say to him, “Remember who you are and Whose you are.” He either raises his eyebrows as if saying “I’ve got it” or verbally says, “I know, mom.” Who is he, and who are we (Christians)? We...
by ssadmin | Dec 3, 2012 | Daily Journaling
This past weekend I made something I haven’t made in a while. It was a homemade red velvet cake. Mmmmmm. It tasted good the day of, but the next day, after being cooled in the refrigerator all night, and letting the cream cheese, butter, and sugar to all blend...