Anytime we send our teen off on the road, we remind Him of a few things.  Tonight our eldest, Hunter, has the four-wheeler loaded up, firewood in the back of the truck, and he’s off to go muddin’ with his buddies.  Yikes!
Of course we called him in the room for “the pep talk” before he left.  When he and his friend were on the road, I sat down to FINALLY read my scriptures for today.
What was the very first one I read? It was Proverbs 4:1-2
“Children, listen to your father’s teaching. Pay attention and you will learn how to learn. 2 The advice I give is good, so don’t ever forget what I teach you.”
I took a picture of the verse and messaged it to Hunter. 
I sure hope Hunter listens to his parents’ advice.  Ahhh, he’s a good kid.  He’ll be fine.  Ahhh, he’s a teen boy…prayer please. Sad
Blessings to you.

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