When I began reading in the book of Hosea yesterday my thoughts went to my two sweet friends who just wrote their first book. Hosea is talking about when God’s people committed adultery against Him. My two friends’ book, The Rose Garden and the Ring: Faith in the Midst of Unfaithfulness, is about “This heartfelt and honest account of two ordinary yet very different women goes beyond just saying life will get better with Christ and delves into the actual process one goes through on the road to healing from a spouse’s affair.”
I phoned one of the ladies for permission to mention their book in my journaling. She was excited for me to share their story with you all.
When I compare their story to the story in Hosea I ponder at the thought, “Are we Christians at times not so different in our relationship to Christ?” When we stray, worship “other gods” (whatever we put before God is “another god”), have one foot in the world and one foot in Christ, are we not having an affair?
In Hosea 6 I can hear a “husband/wife” conversation. The adulteress realizes that:
- They need to return to their spouse. “Come, let us return to the Lord.” Verse 1a
- Reconciliation is needed and one must be persistent in rebuilding their love relationship, “Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know Him. Verse 3
- The one who was/is wronged just wants the other to show love and be known. (This could go for both in the relationship) “I want you to show love,…I want you to know me” Verse 6
- The one who was/is wronged feels betrayed. “…you broke my covenant and betrayed my trust.” Verse 7
No matter if your affair is against a spouse or God, reconciliation is available. Love awaits.
I haven’t read my friends’ book yet, but it will be one of my Christmas break reads. Why? I want to support my dear godly friends who sought God’s will before, during, and after writing this. Am I having trouble in my marriage? No, but I am always working on building a strong marriage. My parents were married for 26 years when trust was broken and the marriage ended. I’ll keep working on my marriage until the day Jesus calls me home.
I hope you will visit any of the websites below and purchase the book for yourself. It is filled with honesty, scripture, and prayer.
Amazon.com (Amazon.com) I love this website. It allowed me to “look inside the book” and read bits and pieces.
Stay tuned for a second book due out Fall of 2014.
In the meantime, and always…read the greatest love story of all times, The Bible, and fall more in love with God each day.
Blessings and God’s abundant love to y’all.
December 12