Don't steal my joy.

The other day at school someone posted a paper in different areas of the school. On that paper it read to “Take one”.  Take what?  Well, at the bottom of the page it had words, in a tag format, for you to rip one off and take like, peace, love, joy,… I guess you could...

Here's some "Good Stuff" from God:

Romans 12:2 is a verse that I knew I’ve written about before, but when I did a “search” for it, I didn’t realize how many times I’d written about it. Well, I didn’t, God did. So, instead of creating a new devotional for Romans 12:2  (the verse-for-the-day), click on...

Want Him more than anything else!

We often read, hear, and state from memory Jeremiah 29:11. But what about those verses that follow it? It was pressed upon my heart today to read and soak in some more of God’s goodness in verses 12-13. I ended up reading the entire chapter to gain the whole...


“Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” Psalm 62:1-2 When I read this I just felt His peace fall on me. A smile came across my face just being reminded that when I...

Watch The Man do His thing!

For some of you more seasoned citizens, allow me to teach you a couple of texting abbreviations you may or may not have seen. I’m thinking that God was the originator of SMH (shake my head) and LOL (laugh out loud). Don’t you just know that He just “Shakes His Head”...