
I love the gentle reminders that God gives me each day. When my daughter was eleven years old she wrote me a note for Mother’s Day.  After I graciously said, and with a laugh, my “Ahhh, thanks.  I love it.” I sarcastically thought to myself, “Hmmm, that took a lot of...

Give Patience and Encouragement

God gives you endurance and encouragement. We should do the same. Who do you need to give a little patience and encouragement to today? All I know is that this verse came at a perfect time for me this morning.  Maybe you need these words of encouragement yourself. I...

Nobody's Perfect, but God's love is.

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6 Nobody’s perfect, especially me.   Sometimes I think, say, or do something that either instantly...

Stop, Look, and Listen

Stop.  Look.  Listen. I’m sure you’ve heard these words since you were a little child.  Your parents would remind you of this before you crossed the street.  You heard that you are to do this before crossing a railroad track (especially if you rode a school bus).  You...

Being a parent isn’t for sissies!

  Being a parent isn’t for sissies! No matter the stage your child is in, you need to remember that “This too shall pass.” I’ve said this quite often in my short 19 years of being a parent. But this stage has me on my knees more than anything. With three children...