I have never been in the position where I would have to lay down my life for someone. I salute and am grateful for those who do on a daily basis.
This week we celebrated Veteran’s Day. Each year my school pays tribute to those men and women who have fought and are still fighting for our country. This year was a three tissue one for me. Seeing videos of loved ones coming home to surprise their families, hearing our students so eloquently read their essays in honor of, hearing two of our own staff members sing and speak about this special day set aside, seeing a slide show of photos of family members who are or were in service, all brought tears to my eyes of gratefulness.
As I see young men who went to school with my eldest son come home on furlough and stop by to visit, I can’t help but hug them and want to hear about their experiences. I’m always so touched by their passion and enthusiastic willingness to serve our country.
THANK YOU to all the brave men and women who have and continue to serve our country. God bless you!
Those who are in the armed forces are the only ones who lay down their lives. This morning when I read 1 Peter 3:18 I could not help but think of others who have laid down their lives for others. For examples: the teacher, Victoria Soto, who gave her life to save her students in the school shootings; Rachel Scott, the young lady who was the first victim in the Columbine shooting who professed to be a Christian; missionaries who put their lives on the line for the sake of the gospel in those places where God’s word isn’t necessarily welcomed, the fire-fighters and police officers who protect and serve us daily, and the list could go on.
I mentioned earlier that I’ve never been in the position where I have had to lay my life down for someone else, but every time we do a “lockdown drill” at school, I talk to the students about the seriousness of the drill and how unfortunate events do happen. I remind them of that teacher who did die for her students and insure them that I would do the same. I tell them that I know where I am going when I die, so I would gladly give my life for them.
That’s key…do you know where you are going when you die?
You have had Someone who has died for you already. “Christ Himself suffered when He died for you, and with that one death He paid for your sins. He was not guilty, but He died for people who are guilty. He did this to bring all of you to God. In His physical form He was killed, but He was made alive by the Spirit.” 1 Peter 3:18.
If you would simply believe in Christ and invite Him into your heart to rule over you, you will know where you are going when you die…to heaven. I pray that if you haven’t made that decision to please speak with a pastor, email me, click on the tab above titled “Want to become a Christian”, something to nail down your decision so that you will have eternal life in paradise.
Thank you, men and women, who are ready and willing to lay down your life for me and others. Thank You, Christ, for dying for me and my sins so that I can have eternal life with you.
I pray many blessings and much JOY for you! Have a wonderful day. – Stephanie