13 out 15 ain't bad. ;) The Parker/Bassett Crew.

13 out 15 ain’t bad. 😉
The Parker/Bassett Crew.

For the past week I keep saying the expression “Capture the moments” in conversation. It is so true!
We aren’t promised tomorrow. James 4:14 says, “You don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Your life is like a fog. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away.”
Ever since my mother-in-law passed away in 2013, and soon followed by a lifelong friend (and my husband’s best friend), the importance of capturing each moment rings ever so true.
Last Saturday we celebrated Christmas at my mom and step-dad’s home. I woke up that morning saying, “Capture the moments”. So I had the bright idea to go “stalk” all the married-folks-in-the-family’s Facebook and Instagrams, and my own photos to find a picture of each couple. I found thirteen out of fifteen (excluding Tim and myself). So I creatively “borrowed” their photos, sent them to be processed in one hour, went to the Dollar Tree to by simple frames, and was ready to give to each couple when exchanging gifts. Thirteen gifts under $20! And from what I could gather by comments and expressions, the simple “Capture the moment” gifts were a success.
So go ahead and take tons of photographs. Start clicking away “Capturing the moments” and don’t forget to include yourself in those pictures too.
I pray many blessings and much JOY for you! Have a wonderful day. – Stephanie

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