getting tempted“Great blessings belong to those who are tempted and remain faithful! After they have proved their faith, God will give them the reward of eternal life. God promised this to all people who love him.” James 1:12
Being tempted is not a sin, giving in to it is.
Last July I wrote a journal entry titled You Will be Tempted. In the entry it said:

“A person has not shown true obedience if he or she has never had an opportunity to disobey. We will be tested.  Because we know that testing will come, we should be alert and ready for it.  Remember, your convictions are only strong if they hold up under pressure.” NIV Study Bible.

At this moment my heart is a bit saddened by choices that others have made by “giving in to temptation”. But God is alleviating my feeling of being somber when I leave it all at the foot of the cross. (My problem is I just keep remembering and picking it back up. I need to relinquish any and all control and know that God’s got this!)
Being tempted happens to us all. It happens to ALL of us…even Jesus. No one is above getting tempted.
Yes, He was tempted and He triumphed by leaning on The Word. Standing up to His tempter.
Joseph was tempted numerous times by Potiphar’s wife. Yet, each time Joseph refused, he recognized the responsibility he had, and he knew giving in to that temptation was a sin. Even when he was framed and thrown into jail for an action he did not commit he remained faithful to God, and God was with him through it all.
God will never leave you nor forsake you. He is always with you. Acknowledge His presence always, especially when you are in the midst of being tempted. Stand strong…in the end God will show kindness, favor, and there will be glory in the end.

“Great blessings belong to those who are tempted and remain faithful! After they have proved their faith, God will give them the reward of eternal life. God promised this to all people who love him.” James 1:12

Remain faithful, my friend.  Great is your reward.
I pray that you will enjoy soaking up The Son every moment of each day. –Stephanie
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