pearls me mom and kay

My mom an Kay being my supporters.

This past weekend I was humbled and honored to speak at a ladies luncheon at a local church. The theme of the presentation was “Brokenness to Beauty: The Making of a Pearl”. I am my own worst critic so I won’t critique my delivery here, but I will mention that I asked God to bless just one through the words that He placed in my heart, and He did. He blessed me beyond what I could even imagine.
The blessings didn’t come through those who hugged, tearfully thanked me, or sweet comments afterwards, He covered me in other ways as well.
You see, when speaking of “The Making of a Pearl” there were three aspects explored:

  • The Irritant: which represented the pain or even good busyness in our life that could eventually create a disturbance.
  • Nacre: The Covering…the protection of God, prayer time, delving into His word, etc.
  • Pearl: The glory in the end. The unique beauty.

I want to share two illustrations with you that occurred that VERY day that coincides with the theme.
First of all, I had been “under the weather” for the entire week previous. On the morning of the luncheon I woke up with the appearance of “pink eye” and my throat was still sore with swollen glands. Tim asked me, “How are you feeling?” I whispered, “I’ll be fine.”
I prayerfully walked to my comfy chair, grabbed my “A Pocketful of Promises” book in one hand, and clasped my hand around a precious wooden cross that my dear friend gave me for my birthday. I thumbed through the pages of the book and started reading bible verses for health and healing. With each verse I would read I’d tighten my hand around the cross that was in the shaped of the word “Jesus” and pray that verse. INSTANTLY I could feel the eye pain and soreness in the throat lessen. I’d read and believe another bible verse, while clinging to my “Jesus” cross, and before you knew it, God was covering, protecting, and healing the irritant that I woke up with just minutes before. Glory! Thank You, Jesus!

Thank you, Theresa for my cross!

Thank you, Theresa for my cross!

The other illustration took place within a 24 hour period of the speech as well. The night before Tim and I had discussed ordering something for my daughter, Holly, in preparation for graduation. Before I placed the order I silently prayed about it. (Yep! God tells us to pray about everything, so I do, even in those decisions when you wouldn’t think to pray first.) After I spoke at the luncheon the ladies at the church presented me with a beautiful basket of goodies. On my way out the door the coordinator, Cindy, presented me with an envelope. Later when I opened the envelope they had graciously provided a monetary compensation that was the EXACT amount of money I had just spent on the order for Holly the night before. Whoa! I was completely overwhelmed and grateful for God’s provision through these ladies.
Now, in the second illustration the purchase wasn’t an “irritant”, but I believe that due to the fact that I gave it all to God through prayer and presentation, He delivered the “pearl” to “cover” the cost. Praise You, Jesus!
Update: Yes, I did end up having the makings of pink eye, so I went to Urgent Care and was prescribed meds for conjunctivitis, sinus infection, and cough. Wow! I believe my illness is now being “covered” with all the prescriptions.
I want to encourage you to do as my scripture reading from this morning instructs us to do:
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him.”  1 John 5:14-15
Be confident in chatting with God, asking Him for something, and reading His word. If it is His will, He WILL answer.
I appreciate you and all the work you and your ladies do to serve the Lord.  Thanks for having me.

I appreciate you and all the work you and your ladies do to serve the Lord. Thanks for having me.

Thank you to Cindy Givens and all the ladies at Countryside Baptist Church for taking a chance on me.
Thank you to my mom and Kay Morris for being my guests. These two ladies have always been Barnabases (encouragers) to me regarding writing, speaking, and sharing God’s love. I love you!
I pray that you will enjoy soaking up The Son every moment of each day. –Stephanie
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Sharing Jesus...I love doing that!

Sharing Jesus…I love doing that!


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