The LORD is happy with His people. He did a wonderful thing for His humble people. He saved them! Let His followers rejoice in this victory! Let them sing for joy, even in their beds! Psalm 149:4-5
Y’all, God gave me a new perspective on a few things in my life this morning during my prayer time with the daily scripture.
At first, in my prayer time, my thoughts went to “Is God really happy with His people right now? We live in such a broken and sad world.” Then, He quickly nudged me and it was as if he whispered to me, “Stephanie, choose happy! I am happy with so many godly things and people right now. Focus on the positive, the godly, CHOOSE HAPPY, and share happy.”
Well…okay, God. I will and I do CHOOSE HAPPY!
My prayer turned more into one of thanksgiving. I thought about the happiness in my life and what is right around me. I praised with delight the fact that He saved me! I may not have sang, but I sure prayed and had cheerful thoughts this morning…even in my bed, before my feet touched the ground. CHOOSE HAPPY!
God even directed my mind to a couple of circumstances in my life that I may have a poo-poo attitude with, and again…nudge me…He encouraged me to pray for MY attitude towards the situations. CHOOSE HAPPY!
Y’all, we have a choice. We can choose to join the “poo-poo attitudes” in life and make ourselves and others around us feel downtrodden, or we can change our perspective, share godly happiness, and simply CHOOSE HAPPY!
Are you with me?
“Thank You, Lord, for saving my wretched soul. You have given me life. Help me to rejoice always, even in times of trouble, so that my inner being with be comforted and healthy, and outward self with be an example of Christ. I claim victory each day, because You have already won the race, and You are within me. May I feel Your love, power, and strength as I strive to be a godly encourager to others. To God be ALL the glory. Today, Lord, I CHOOSE HAPPY! Refresh my soul each day with an attitude of gratitude. Amen!”
Many blessings to you and yours,