Remembering things and making memories.
(Motivaltional Monday video below.)
Making memories with my family is huge.  Whether they are simple times at home or extravagant trips away, creating moments to remember laughter, and even tears, is important.
This past weekend, all five members of my family were scattered across the southeast making memories of all sorts.  
I traveled, with my momma, to southeast Georgia to stay one night with my brother, Kevin, and his precious family, then we traveled about two hours northeast to stay with my other brother, Mike, and his sweet wife so we can hear Mike preach on Sunday. We had a fabulous trip!  (Even though I think I gained a couple of pounds.) Memories were made.

Momma, me, and Kevin (the eldest of my twin brothers.)

I got to love on Jude, one of my great nephews.

Nana is always happy to get some lovin’ time with her greats.

Tim and Cole hauled off to southwest Georgia to the hunting camp.  Cole loves this place! Tim sat in the treestand once, Cole fished a lot in the ponds, and they both watched plenty of football.  Memories were made.

My man in GA.

Hunter flew to Mississippi with lifelong friends to cheer the Gators on as they defeated Mississippi State in football.  I treasured the videos and photos the boys would share with us parents. Good times! Go Gators! Memories were made.

Kyle, Hunter, Robby, and Justin…friends since birth, cheering on the Gators!

This was captured on TV. This must have been the end of the game. Such a great memory!

Holly flew to New Orleans to celebrate her best college friend’s birthday.  Again, the videos and photos they would send to me, sharing their weekend with me, were treasures.  Good times! Happy Birthday Kelsie! Memories were made.

Holly and the birthday girl, Kelsie.

You must have the beignets while in NOLA.

In the Bible we are instructed to remember an array of things.  Here are just few:
But be careful! Don’t forget the Lord. You were slaves in Egypt, but he brought you out of the land of Egypt.  Deuteronomy 6:12
When we go through difficulties in life, and hold onto God, He will bring us through those times.  Remember His provision and steadfast love through those times. Also, remember when you were a slave to sin and self, and then you became free in Christ? Ahhh…sweet Jesus!  Thank you for pulling me out of the pit. Do remember that pit, so that you want fall back into it.  To God be all he glory!
And you must remember the entire trip that the Lord your God has led you through these 40 years in the desert. He was testing you. He wanted to make you humble. He wanted to know what is in your heart. He wanted to know if you would obey his commands.  Deuteronomy 8:2
Remember to obey the Lord, through good and bad times. He is there. Stay close to him and His promises.
I always showed you that you should work just as I did and help people who are weak. I taught you to remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘You will have a greater blessing when you give than when you receive.’” Acts 20:35
God’s word is here to teach us how to live.  One of the more quoted pieces of scripture is “it is better to give than to receive.”  This is advice that if you truly do remember, you will discover that you will be less selfish, humbled, and blessed in return.
But the Lord says, “Can a woman forget her baby? Can she forget the child who came from her body? Even if she can forget her children, I cannot forget you. Isaiah 49:15
I can’t imagine a mother forgetting about giving birth to her child.  Being a mother of three, that is a memory imbedded in my psyche, even the one miscarriage is unforgettable. Yet, even if there are poignant moments in our lives that we may forget or repress in our mind, God cannot and will not forget you!  He loves you and treasures you. You are the apple of His eye!
Then he took some bread and thanked God for it. He broke off some pieces, gave them to the apostles and said, “This bread is my body that I am giving for you. Eat this to remember me.”  Luke 22:19
There is an experience in a Christian’s life that we partake in for true remembrance.  When we engage in The Lord’s Supper this is a specific time when we evaluate our lives, and remember that day when Christ was crucified for us, all of us.  Remembering what Christ did for all should be a daily recollection as we give praise and honor to Him.
The day I heard my brother preach (and by the way he rocks the pulpit), would have been my granny’s earthly birthday. I think should would have been 101 years of age.  Precious memories of my granny and grandpa were continually coming to the forefront of my mind. Walking through the woods to their house, almost daily, to go visit and eat a bowl of Oak Flakes cereal. Fishing, with a cane pole, for catfish in my grandpa’s pond or feeding them bread. Playing “Go Fish” or other card games with my granny. Sitting in my grandpa’s lap as he skillfully knifed the skin of an apple in one continual slice. Kissing my granny on her neck and hearing her laughter. Crawling up in their laps to watch tv, solve word search puzzles, or nap. Ahhh…memories were made and treasured in my heart.

James, Calli, and Wes came from the Auburn game to hear uncle Mike preach. Sweet!

Preach it, Michael!
Go to the following link to hear Mike’s passionate sermons:

I want to encourage you to remember.  Remember good times, and remember trouble times when God carried you through them.  Remember to get into His word daily to impress scripture into your mind and heart.
Have a beautiful day…go make those memories.
Blessings to you and yours,


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