Wow! What a day! Turning FIFTY…ain’t nothin’ but a number. And if all birthdays are this good, bring them on!
Recently, I had a health scare. After blood test, cultures, an ultrasound, a CTScan, doctors visits, and some powerful prayer warriors standing with me, praise The Lord I received a clean bill of health! There have been many situations in my life when I was reminded that Life is Short. So, I have chosen to live life each day, love Jesus and let Him shine through me, simplify life, and love BIG! Sure, turning a year older can bring on much wisdom, and if I have any for you I’d like to share it any time. LOL. Just ask. Or…just read those things I’ve chosen to do again. (More wisdom at the bottom.)
Let me just say, I have some pretty fun friends! The birthday celebrations started a month ago with a shared 50th birthday brunch with some lifelong friends. Then, last Saturday a group of friends gathered at a Christmas party and turned it into a celebration for me and my man, who also just turned fifty (December 5th). Yesterday, my cousin and treasured friend had a day planned full of adventure. Last night, my man and three kiddos had many laughs and enjoyed a scrumptious steak dinner. And the celebration will continue next week when more friends get together for a paint party. Bring it on!
Proverbs 27:9 says, “A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.”
Allow me to share some fun facts and silly photos with you which were taken just before or on the crazy scavenger hunt that occurred with my cousin April and creative treasure friend Billie Jo:

These girls!! Thank you both for making my birthday day sooo much fun and filled with lots of laughter and JOY!! (I know…you all want my cool friends. :))

April (my cousin, college roomie, and loves-to-laugh-friend). Top: sharing JOY. Right: stopping to smell the roses. Bottom left: I had take a photo with someone related to me.

Billie Jo (friends for 16 years, thanks to our kids, Holly and Landon, going to pre-school together). Top: we tried to valet park some people’s car. They were actually going to let us. We had no clue where to take it. LOL! Bottom: see the video below of us dancing to the #1 song in 1968, “I heard it through the grapevine”. So much fun!!!

Top left: something I’d like to share…JESUS! Top right: find something that has words on it (phrase). Bottom right: Tim proposed to me at Lake Hollingsworth back in 1991. Bottom left: is nature that I love, and…Holly is the birth flower for December 11, 1968…and my daughter’s name is Holly!

Top left: Just sticking my head through an ice cream trash can. Top right: What a trip to Lakeland with a photo with a swan? Bottom right: Just horseing around. Bottom left: Catching a ride.

Top left: I made a trip to the P.O., and these sweet ladies posed with me. Top right: Thanks to Frank at Teh Krazy Kup in Plant City for the delicious red velvet cupcake, hot tea, and my Olaf ornament. Bottom right: Natalie was our server at Flemming’s. She said she remembered being pregnant in 1968. I think she appreciated our conversations. Bottom left: Nothing like running in to one of my “other” kids at Krazy Kup. Emmy always has a big hug and an infectious smile to share.

Top left: we ar off on our day of adventures. Top right: Friends who love Jesus…absolutely! Need them! Bottom right: Posing at the Terrace hotel in Lakeland. Bottom left: Yea, we’re pretended to be Ho’s for a photo. you got a problem with that? We laughed so much this day!

Top left: Photo with me doing something difficult. LOL! Top right: I’ve been sledding, but never on a cool sleigh. “It’s all down hill from now.” LOL! Bottom right and left: A memory from my childhood…I had this record “Love will keep us together”, and G.I. Joe…oh my he was ripped! I had three older brothers, they had him, I think he may have been my first crush. Haha haha.

Top left: one of my favorite colors, anything blue. Top right: Seriously? An item I’ve never seen, and I hope to never again. Bottom right: something warm and cozy. Bottom left: something that makes me laugh…this pirate teapot had me like…I don’t even know. Too funny!

We enjoyed sharing a meal at Black and Brew in downtown Lakeland. Lake (yes, that’s her name) was our waitress. (Oh, see the video below of me getting strangers to wish me HBD here.)

We ended our day at Krazy Kup, in their alley. The wind was blowing and the candles wouldn’t light. So when I blew them fakely out, the powered sugar blew. More laughter.

Top left: My day started with snuggles with my man. Top right: yes, I had chocolate cake for breakfast. Bottom right: I got to see my sweet niece and handsome great nephew! Bottom left: hot tea to start the day.
While at our family birthday dinner at Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse, I was able to share more 1968 facts with all:
- December 11th, 1968 births symbolize balance, harmony, and partnership. I believe that I have learned to have balance in my life by getting my priorities straight, I live in harmony, and the partnership with my husband is powerful!
- I was born on a Wednesday.
- The 1968 calendar year won’t occur again until 2024!!!
- I am 18,262 days old!
- The most popular names that year was Lisa and Michael.
- Cost of items in 1968: gas = $0.34, eggs = $0.53, milk = $1.07, a house cost $15k, a stamp = $0.06, and bread was $0.23.
- The Vietnam War took place.
- Robert F. Kennedy and MLK, Jr were assassinated.
- The first heart transplant took place.
- McDonald’s introduced the Big Mac and it cost $0.49!
- Emergency 911 started in the US
- The Beatles “White” album was released.

Our loves!

Family is everything!

These are my most treasured gifts…Holly, Cole, and Hunter…I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!
I pray that you WILL live life each day, love Jesus and let Him shine through me, simplify life, and love BIG! Laugh a LOT! Say I love you often.
Throughout the day a word became the theme for the day…JOY! We took so many photos of me with JOY. Joy didn’t just become a word to take a photograph with, it was something we spread throughout the day. I noticed that when I would be bold and silly and ask strangers to take a photo with me, or allow me to videos them saying “Happy Birthday, Stephanie” JOY was being shared. They would light up and their smile often continue was past the click of the camera. Maybe they wen those and told about the crazy lady celebrating her birthday. I hope they did and brought more JOY to others. We finally got to the point when we would see more JOY items to take a photo with and I said, “That’s enough JOY” we laughed so much!
JOY was, and is, contagious! When I’d share JOY with others, they would share with me as well. Whether it was by long conversations, sweet compliments (I’ll take “you do NOT look 50” any time!), or even a business owner giving me an Olaf ornament (thanks, Frank Trunzo) JOY was in abundance.
“For the JOY of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

JOY…get, embrace, and share!
Be strong! Have JOY!
Do you want to know true JOY? Seek first the kingdom of God. Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. When you put God first in everything you do, and love him more than anything, you’ll begin to walking in His ways. Joy will radiate from within.
I pray blessings to you and yours!
Stephanie (I. Am. Fifty!)