During this holiday season folks are traveling the hustling roads that lead to home. Whether college kids are returning for a nice break (and for their parents to wash their clothes and feed them some delicious non-fast food meals) or you’re traveling to see family and/or friends back in your hometown, a house isn’t just a dwelling place at that time, it is a home. A home filled with love and memories, and memories in the making.
Some may loath their return home, while others love and long for it.
When I read John 17:5 my first thought was how Jesus was longing to be home.
And now, Father, give me glory with you. Give me the glory I had with you before the world was made. John 17:5
Jesus was nearing the end of His mission here on earth. The time was approaching for Him to be crucified on the cross, to rise from the dead, to give the great commission, and to ascend into heaven to be with His Heavenly Father. He knew it, and He was ready to be in his eternal home where He would sit in place of honor at the right hand of God (Mark 16:19).
The photo to the right was the last Thanksgiving our family had with grandmama (Jany, my mother-in-love). It was taken in Kentucky in 2012. Fast forward six years, and the next photo was taken just last year (2018). It was our last Thanksgiving we had with granddaddy (Wayne, my father-in-love). This will be the first Thanksgiving we are missing both of Tim’s parents. Our hearts will be a bit downcast, yet filled with gratefulness for the plethora of cherished memories, and knowing that joy comes in the morning (see the link mentioned below).
I am confident that both Jany and Wayne longed for their eternal home, and that we will see them again when we get to heaven. During times like these, it kinda makes me long for home…my eternal home. But, God isn’t ready for us reading this to be at our eternal home right this minute. Until then, we must share the joy of the Lord with others, and make others feel at “home” when we are together by being His light into the world.
The journal entry I wrote last year (well…I did type it, but it all comes from God) is worthy of another read. I know I reread it and found comfort and joy. May it bring a little comfort and joy to you as well as you may be going through a season of emptiness, loneliness, or even longing to be Home: https://soakinguptheson.com/new/daily-journaling/wheres-the-happy-in-thanksgiving/
Home…for years I’ve told Tim that wherever life takes us, wherever he is, that is home for me. I am thankful for my man!
Home…When all my babies are together, under one roof, I feel at home.
Home…When I get to spend time with my extended family, having great food, laughter, and conversation, I feel at home.
Home…when I’m spending my quiet and quality time with Jesus, diving into God’s word, and chatting with Him, I feel at home.
All the above mentions are comforting to me; as if I’m snuggled under a plush blanket with a more than warm (not steaming hot) cup of tea or apple cider, watching a Hallmark movie (you know I had to go there), loved one(s) right beside me, and a fire crackling in the fireplace. Oh, sure, throw in a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie too, just one.
Home should be a place of comfort and one to long for.
Do you long for your heavenly home? If you aren’t sure if you’ll call Heaven your home, please get that decision right today. In John 17:3 Jesus says during His prayer to His Heaven Daddy,
“And this is the way to have eternal life – to know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.”
Until we reach our eternal home, embrace a home filled with love and memories, and memories in the making. Don’t loath to return home for the holidays, but love and long for it. Like the country group, Old Dominion, sings “Life is short make it sweet”. Amen!
We’ve heard for years and seen home decor items with the phrase “Home is where the heart is”. Is your heart at home with Jesus?
I pray that you will gather with family and/or friends and smile. Ponder on precious memories and smile, and enjoy making new memories. Share God’s love and a smile with those around you. To borrow another phrase I’ve heard (but I’m not sure who the author is), “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” And might I add…be thankful, be grateful, be loving.
Have a blessed thanksgiving, and don’t forget to count those blessings.
Now, I’m going to count calories (not really) as we go have brunch at my mom’s and then prepare for dinner under the stars at our home. We
With much love for you,
Oh my…I just realized that the Soaking up The Son website didn’t get to see this exciting video from John 17. I posted it on Instagram and the Soaking up The Son Facebook page, but not here. Y’all, Jesus prayed for you! When I read John 17, many things jumped out. John 17:3 made me see Jesus longing to be home with His Daddy. That November 18th read, is where some journaling time is coming from.