During my scripture reading this morning, I could only get through 14 verses before I just had to type and share with you. Please read and be ready to live expectantly and seize the opportunity in life we have right now.
Luke 12:35-59
- So, when I ready verses 35-40 (in my bible titled “Jesus warns about Preparing for His Coming”) I visualized various scenes.
- A humble servant lady…waiting by the door, a burning kerosene lamp in hand, waiting for her master to return. When the master returns, they don’t hurriedly go past the servant or launch their belongings to her. No, they smile and gives her a sweet reward for being willing, ready, and there to greet him.
- A dog…paws up on the window sill, wagging its tail, looking for their owner to come home, and excitedly dancing about when the door finally opens and they see their owner’s face. When the owner sees the dog, they bend down to not just pet but love on the dog and then giving it a treat.
- Am I calling us servants? Yes! We should be. Willing and ready to serve, and greet our Master.
- Am I calling us dogs? Maybe so. Remember in Matthew 15:21-28 about the Canaanite woman? That was a story of displayed faith. We too need to display great faith all the days of our lives.
- On my January 23 notes, while reading through the Bible, I had typed the following regarding verses 21-28 in Matthew 15: In verses 21-28, we can learn that even when we are annoyed by others, be mindful of the opportunity to share Jesus with others. Show compassion like Jesus. I’m thinking that Jesus used the words he did and had the result he had with the woman, not only for her benefit in the end, but for the disciples benefit as an example. Jesus was always good at weaving lessons into daily life. We can do the same. (Just my thoughts.)
- Take note that Jesus says we must be ready “all the time”. Day or night, God will send His Son when we least expect it. Ahhh, which brings me to my final point:
- In verse 40 we read, “You also must be ready all the time, for the Song of Man will come when least expected.” Y’all, it is true that The Second Coming IS going to happen. It is true that many components have occurred and are happening that are talked about in the bible that leads us to believe that we ARE in the End Times. Yes to all…He is coming soon!!! Yet, I had a thought this morning…with sooo many people talking about they believe this is the end of times, many are EXPECTING his Second Coming to happen right now. Glory! That would be nice, but…although we are expecting, His word says it will happen when we LEAST expect it. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s not happening now, or that you shouldn’t live expectantly. We SHOULD live expectantly for Jesus to return and take His believers to Paradise with Him. I guess I’m trying to say that only God knows when He will release His Boy to come and get us. During this season of COVID-19, I urge you to be ready, have faith, share God’s love with all, and live expectantly, yet also know that God can get us through this, and we may live graciously here on earth for many more years. In 2 Peter 3:9 we read, “The Lord is not being slow in doing what He promised the way some people understand slowness. But God is being patient with you. He doesn’t want anyone to be lost. He wants everyone to change their ways and stop sinning.” Are you sharing Jesus with all you can? Our Heavenly Father wants EVERYONE to change their selfish ways and turn to Him. Be expectant. Be prayerful. Be ready. Be a little Christ to those around you. Be humble and not arrogant. Be loving and not judgmental. Be kind and not full of hate.
- Friend, although I went on and on about verse 35-40, please read all the way to verse 48! Jesus has a stern warning to those who live with the thought “My master won’t be back for a while” and lives life haphazardly, and to those who know about Him and His Coming yet doesn’t live like one prepare and doesn’t carry out His ways of living while here on earth. A BIG OUCH to those who claim to know Jesus yet live like the devil. Severe punishment is awaiting. I don’t know about you, but that scares me straight! I desire to live for Christ and Christ alone. Will you live for Christ or self?
God is giving us an opportunity now to grow closer to Him and share His love with all. I pray that you will seize this opportunity and humbly serve Him. He has you right where you are for a purpose. Be wise.
Blessings to you and yours,
Well done, Stephanie! GOD certainly has blessed you with the talent and ability of graphic explanation and interpretation. Love you!
Thank you! My cup runners over. To God be ALL the glory! Love you too. Thank you for reading and sharing. It means so much to me.