Little Drummer Boy was the favorite Christmas song for both of my boys.  
I can vividly recall both Hunter and Cole either sitting on the kitchen floor with pots and pans and wooden spoons, or marching down the hall with an imaginary drum, keeping the beat to this song as the song serenaded throughout the house.
When we hear this song, we often only say the “pa rum pum pum pum” portion of it. When I searched the lyrics to this song, I eliminated the  “pa rum pum pum pum”s and simply read the other lyrics.  
Read for yourself, and then I’ll elaborate on some thoughts:
Come they told me
A new born king to see
Our finest gifts we bring
To lay before the king 
So to honor him
When we come
Little baby
I am a poor boy too
I have no gift to bring
That’s fit to give our king
Shall I play for you
Mary nodded
The ox and lamb kept time
I played my drum for him
I played my best for him
Then he smiled at me
Random thoughts:
Do you ever think that you aren’t good enough or have anything to offer to Christ The King?  Well, push the delete button on that thought.  Jesus wants you just as you are.  He even gave you gifts/talents for you to utilize.

The Father gives me my people. Every one of them will come to me. I will always accept them. John 6:37

God has shown you his grace in many different ways. So be good servants and use whatever gift he has given you in a way that will best serve each other.  1 Peter 4:10

When I read that the boy asked Mary if he could play his drum, she nodded, and then it says, “the ox and lamb kept time”…can you just imagine it. All the little barnyard animals keeping the rhythm to the little boy’s drum beat. This makes me smile.
Speaking of smiling…the last non-rum pum pum pum phrase says, “Then he smiled at me”.  Ahhhh, THAT is satisfaction!  
I often ask my children, “How did you make God smile today?”  or say to others, “Go put a smile on God’s face today.”  When you are on a quest to find ways to make God smile, you are on the right path.
How have you made God smile today?
I pray that you will not rum pum pum pum  your way to the beat of your own drum, but allow God to use you as an instrument.  Follow the greatest conductor ever and stay to His rhythm. 
Blessings to you and yours,

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