While Joseph and Mary were in Bethlehem, the time came for her to have the baby. She gave birth to her first son. She wrapped him up well and laid him in a box where cattle are fed. She put him there because the guest room was full. Luke 2:6-7 ERV
There’s just something about the fresh smell and touch of a baby.
Yesterday I attended the baptism/baby dedication of my great nephew, Hayes. This is such a precious time when the parents and the church agree to raise, and help raise, the little ones up in God’s love and truth. One couldn’t help but laugh though when my nephew and his family of four were on stage. Their oldest child, Haddy, was her normal hot-yet-adorable-almost-three-year-old-self. When the pastor would ask the parents questions, and the parents were to respond “We will”, Haddy would cover her daddy’s mouth and shake her head “no” each time.

Not the greatest clarity in a photo, but I had to zoom in on a screenshot to show this moment.
During the church service, I got to hold baby Hayes the entire time. Holding this precious baby, I would close my eyes and smell the scent of this sweet child. My arms kept drawing him into me to hold him close. Thoughts of what Hayes would be when he grew up, and prayers for him to be a strong and godly child to a man were running through my mind. Remembrances of when my own children were babies, and how I just wanted to hold them all day were vivid.
There’s just something about the fresh smell and touch of a baby.
Here we are the week of Christmas. While holding Hayes, I pondered on how Mary felt holding baby Jesus. Mary is holding the Messiah, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Wow! The miracle of His conception and birth, and this young, humble, and obedient Jewish girl got to be a part of it all. Did she hold Him close, smell his skin, wonder what His life would be like, and not want to let go?
In the bible we are told how Mary also pondered and treasured this precious child and the events that surrounded glorious time.
But Mary was treasuring up all these things in her heart and meditating on them. Luke 2:19 HCSB
I pray that you will remember that Jesus is the reason for this CHRISTmas season. It is because of the birth of our Saviour that we celebrate. God sent His Son to earth to live a sinless life, and to die for our sinful selves. I pray that you will hold Jesus close to your heart, and meditate on God’s word. The aroma of a life with Christ is sweet. The touch of Christ is your life is comforting. Don’t let go of Jesus. He won’t let go of you.
There’s just something about a baby…and baby Jesus is definitely something to ponder about. Embrace His love.
Blessings to you and yours,