Y’all!  This purchase is too cool, yet super gross at the same time!  This product made me think about the sins in our lives.
Recently, I went shopping with my sister-in-love, Wendy.  Her son, Luke, works at a place where they have bins of overstocked Amazon and Target items.  They have a sale every weekend (I think).  The experience was interesting, as we explored each bin.  Let’s just say that I thoroughly sanitized my hands afterwards. I walked away with fourteen items for only two dollars each! 
This one item I purchased was the Pet Urine Detector.  Ugh!  Our dog, Marley, is getting a little older, and she keeps having some issues in the home. Bless!  And it seems like she often favors the BRAND NEW 18’ runner that is in our mudroom hall.  Wwwhhhyyy?  Anyhow…when I saw this detector, I was like “Yes! I’m getting this!”  Wendy warned me of some other disgusting sites I may find, and how if you ever take one of these to a hotel, you may never want to sleep there. Yikes!
Well, when I arrived home, I put in the three required AAA batteries and went on a urine hunt. Holy moly! It wasn’t as bad as I thought, but…Holy moly!   This light revealed every grossness there could be from Marley, and from God only knows where else from too.
Where did Stephanie’s mind go to…”Whoa!  Wouldn’t it be interesting if we had one of these for our sins?” 
The thing is…God knows already.

For I am closely watching you, and I see every sin. You cannot hope to hide from Me.  Jeremiah 16:17 

God doesn’t need a Sin Detector, He is The Detector.  So quit hoping the Lord does not see what you’re doing, saying, or thinking.  He already knows.

Everyone who does evil hates the light. They will not come to the light, because the light will show all the bad things they have done.  John 3:20

When you grow in your relationship with Christ…the more you start to shine for the Lord…the more you will sense what your sins are.  The Holy Spirit (I like to call your God conscious) nudges you when you start to sin.  Unfortunately, sometimes we just ignore the nudge until we are smack in the middle of the sin.  We went past the temptation, and got caught in the darkness of it all.  That’s probably why some people may have a hard time with their relationship, or even starting one, because they know His Light will shine on our sins.  Shine on me, Lord.  Shine on me!

God, examine me and know my mind. Test me and know all my worries. Make sure that I am not going the wrong way. Lead me on the path that has always been right.  Psalm 139:23-24

Will you join me in saying Psalm 139:23-24 as a prayer each day?

Lord, please examine me and know my mind.  I know you know me all too well.  Reveal to me anything I need to make right or do right or am doing wrong.  Please take my hand and mind and lead me down the right path that You have for me.  Keep me in line, Lord.  Amen.

Y’all have a blessed day, and do let the Lord shine His light on you and through you.
Blessings to you and yours,
(The featured photo is such a classic Marley pose.  It’s as if she is saying, “No photos please.  Don’t look at me.”  Isn’t that what we feel like saying to God sometimes?  Well…He sees, and He loves you, and He wants you.)

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