Let’s talk about sex…and Christ…and revitalizing your love with your spouse and God’s word.
This morning I had the privilege of having a casual conversation/interview with author Kim Moore.  Our girl chat was fun and informative, and continued after the camera stopped rolling.  Kim and I sat in the backyard and discussed many aspects of her book, and took our talk to a better view by walking the sandy shore along the Gulf of Mexico.  
You know how you can observe the foreshadowing of topics in the Old Testament to the New Testament? For example:  Isaac and Abraham foreshadows God the Father and His Son, the unblemished lamb’s blood for the Passover foreshadows Jesus’ blood for our sins, and many more.  According to gotquestions.org, “By some counts, more than 300 Old Testament prophecies point to Jesus Christ and were fulfilled by Him in His life on earth.”  Well, Kim’s book is an example of a physical marriage and the marriage of Christ and the church.

For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. And Christ himself is that reality.  Colossians 2:17 NLT

The Scriptures say, ‘He was considered a criminal.’ This Scripture must happen. It was written about me, and it is happening now.”  Luke 22:37 ERV

Kim has wrestled with the Song of Solomon for over forty years.  When she began putting pen to paper to create this masterpiece of a book, it took her six years.  Six years she spent praying, fasting, researching ancient Middle-Eastern marriage, and seeking God’s word.  What Kim has unraveled is beautiful.  
Prior to Kim delving into Middle-Eastern marriage customs, she struggled to make sense of the book of Song.  Then, she heard God whisper to her, “It’s a wedding.” Those three words awakened a thirst of more knowledge within her and that is when her Aha moment made itself known.  
“How has no one ever put this together before?” Kim wondered.  She questioned God,  “Why me?” These questions are answered within the pages of her latest book.  
While reading Unlock the Secret to Lasting Intimacy, I would laugh, shed a tear, ponder on my own past of intimacy, was encouraged to dive into God’s word more, and had a renewal of freedom “in the bedroom” myself.  I was in awe of the amount of history Kim included.  Her research has served her well.  The outcome is a book that makes the conversation of sex, according to the bible, a sacred, pleasantly erotic, and an exciting awakening.
Kim admits that there are holes in her theory, and that makes her yearning to have her questions answered when she sees her Heavenly Father face to face.  
This book in the Bible is often hushed over, called “Christian porn”, or barely mentioned, but I believe that Kim has “Unlocked” a secret to it that it will be hard for one to deny and will encourage others to want to have a conversation about.
In the pages of this book, Kim goes chapter by chapter of the scripture, shares history and customs of that time, and has a section called “Abi’s story” where she vividly retells the story in modern-day language yet still using the history and customs. She included knowledge boxes titled “unlocking the past” where biblical and historical words are explained and applied.  Kim ends each chapter with a section called “Making it Relevant”.  
As Kim says in her book, “Come with me now through this intriguing story.  Watch as what once made little sense, suddenly make (almost) perfect sense.  It’s my hope that no matter who you are or what season of life you’re in, you’ll be able to take something of value from this remarkable story.  Because God’s Word never returns void (see Isaiah 55:11), I’m convinced the Song has the power to transform and liberate Christian marriages today and in the future.  I believe this book is only the tip of the iceberg to deeper insights and endless lessons to come.”  Kim, I concur.  I can’t wait to see this made into a mini-series! Yes? 
Ladies, trust me…your man will appreciate you reading this.  My man is, and he even read some himself.  He approves.

(Amongst construction nearby…please ignore the sounds you may often hear, yet not continually, in the background.)
Blessings to you and yours,
Please visit Kim at https://kimmoore.net/ .  Purchase her book(s) and book her for a speaking engagement.

Kim was completely humbled and speechless when I shared a friend of mine’s review of her book.

I love and appreciate Kim’s persistence and obedience to God.

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