Y’all! I received the most precious and HALLELUJAH video text last night!  My sweet momma has had three or four shoulder surgeries.  One of the simple tasks we do each day in life may be to style our own hair.  Momma hasn’t been able to do her own hair in many years.  This independent woman didn’t like the fact that she had to rely on others to be her arms that she was unable to raise them high enough. Well…that’s about to change!  It’s not another surgery aiding her in the ability to raise her arms above her head.  It’s the healing of her Lord and Savior.
In the video she said, “I just wanted you kids to see what happens when you give it all to the Lord and trust in Him that He will take care of you.  This morning I went to church with Kevin, and during the service I prayed ‘Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, I finally just give it all to You.  Please heal the wounds in my shoulders, the muscle and the bone.  Lord, thank You for doing that, and I love You.’ And THIS is the result of that prayer.”  As her hands went high into the air she emotionally said “Praise the Lord!  He did it!  I’m so happy!”  with tears in my momma’s eyes, she came to closer to the screen and said, I hope you enjoyed that video.”  Oh, momma, I DID!  With tears in my eyes and joy in my heart, I did!

My sweet momma demonstrating how she can raise her hallelujah hands up high now.

I could just watch that video over and over again, and I have.
Notice her prayer:

  • She acknowledged her Heavenly Father.
  • After years of being frustrated, she gave it to the Lord.  I’m sure she has prayed for healing before, but this time you could sense a complete surrendering to His healing hand and not by the hands of man.
  • She prayed specifically for her shoulders, the muscle, and the bone.  God wants us to be specific in our prayer life.
  • Momma went ahead and thank Him for healing her, before she even knew she could raise her hands.  That’s faith.
  • She told the Lord that she loves Him.  We should remember to do this in all situations, good and bad.

I’m so excited for my momma.  This just fills me with so much joy!
Speaking of joy, I’m currently creating a little devotional journal for someone who is about to take a six week journey. (I will share more about that next week.)  There are seventeen theme words, and one of them is joy.  So I search on this website for other journal entries regarding joy. The video below was one of the first ones to pop up, and I’m glad it did. I needed this reminder and prayer.  It has also encouraged me to read aloud, much like I did the book of Acts, a chapter from Philippians each day.  I’ll include the videos in my journaling this week.
In my study bible, the commentary states that the purpose of the book of Philippians is “To thank the Philippians for the gift they had sent Paul and to strengthen these believers by showing them that true joy comes from Jesus Christ alone.”  Will you join me as I read aloud these four chapters.  Just think…four days of Philippians…Tuesday through Friday…you will have so much JOY at the end of the week.  May you receive the true joy that comes from Jesus Christ alone.

Blessings to you and yours,
(The featured photo shows so much joy!  We had a blast on a vacation to Montana with two other families.  There are some journal entries coming from that trip.  God’s creation is so majestic!)

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