Welcome back to a quick study/chat about the book of Philippians. I know…I know I said I’d read a chapter every day so it could be consistent, but…life happened. So let’s not waste any more time.
Please share any insight with me that you gain from reading each chapter. I love hearing how God reveals something different with us all.
My thoughts:
V1, I sure hope you were able to answer “yes” to each of those four questions presented. Encouragement, comfort, love, fellowship, tenderness, and compassion are all benefits to you when being a Christ follower.
V2, Love is what the Lord wants us to share with others, all while working together with one purpose…Jesus Christ.
V3, Boy oh boy have I had my share of humble pie when I’ve thought too highly of myself. Bless! Remember, the only one we need to impress is God.
V4, Have you ever noticed how when you are speaking with someone (familiar or not), that they may engage in the conversation more when you ask about them and their family or likes or work or whatever? Take an interest in others.
V5, Think about Jesus’ attitude. We have a sign in our home that says, “Attitude is everything”. It was placed on a shelf in my classroom for the last eight years I was teaching. Whether you get your attitude at work or at home, it speaks volumes. Having an attitude of Christ is one of humility, servanthood, love, forgiveness, and grace. Oh, yes, there’s so many more characteristics of Christ to imitate, but focus on one attribute at a time and watch how no matter the situation you’re in or the way you may feel at that moment…attitude is everything.
VV6-8, Y’ALL! Reread those verses. Notice that He (Jesus) gave up His divine privileges (being God and WITH God) to humbly come to live on this earth and be an example to us. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and died a criminal’s death…and He knew it was going to and had to happen. All for you and me!
VV9-11, Wait…when that glorious day arrives when Jesus comes back, are you going to bow down to Him from heaven, on the earth, or under the earth? Let me rephrase that: When Jesus Christ returns, will you be giving Him honor from heaven because you’ve already left this earth, or from earth where you should be displaying the attitude and mindset of Christ, or from the place of condemnation? Remember that know one knows when He will return, so are you ready? Be ready to bow with great honor at the feet of Jesus.
V12, “work hard to show the results OF your salvation”…notice that it didn’t say FOR your salvation. Friend, God wants you just as you are. Come to Him, and obey and respect His ways, for they are best.
V13, I just love this verse. It is a great reminder. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. Y’all, that’s good stuff. God isn’t a god who works for us, and we sit back with an entitlement attitude and just watch Him work for us. He is working IN us. He gives us the desire and His power for us to DO what pleases Him. Be apt, accessible, and ambitious for what God has in store for you to do through Him.
V14, I dare you! Read verse 14 and see if you can accept my challenge. Remember, you can do anything with Christ. Be the light.
V15, teh “so that” to verse 14. Again…be the light.
VV16-18, AS Christians we are to DO. The Bible is Life’s instruction book as to HOW we are to do. May your life be poured out for Christ, and you be filled with joy no matter what comes your way.
V19, We like to have good news. It’s encouraging to hear good news to lift our spirits, even when we are imprisoned in our temporary circumstance (like Paul was). Paul was willing and ready to lose his life for Christ sake. He considers that joy! Think about it. Are you?
V21, Care for what matters to God, not self.
V24, This verse reminds me of the “hope for the best, prepare for the worst” mentality. Paul was ready to die if necessary, but was still hopeful that his situation would change.
V25-30, Epaphroditus…well that’s a name you don’t often hear about. Yet, Epaphroditus has characteristics that we should aspire to have: true, a soldier of Christ, a helper of someone in need, empathetic, one who others are excited to see, honorable, and willing to live and die for Christ.
Well, that does it for Philippians 2. I’m sure when I read this chapter or a specific verse again, God just may have some new insight for me because my situation may change. That’s how these God-breathed pages work…they meet you where you are and are always teaching you something.
I pray that you will read God’s word daily. Be apt, accessible, and ambitious to do His will for you.
Blessings to you and yours,