Oh how I can so vividly remember the anticipation of Christmas morning. Waking up all hours of the night to try to get a peek of Santa was one of my specialties. One night, my feet would quietly tiptoe out of my bedroom, down the hall, and through the kitchen and dining room, until I had a view of the room where Santa was to leave my gifts. There it was! The bike that was on my Christmas list was standing large in the living room. The excitement on my face almost hurt my cheeks from grinning so much. My tiptoeing became a giddy sprint back to my bed. I hopped in bed, closed my eyes tight, and said “Thank you”. Then I could Rest In Peace knowing my gift was there.
My anticipation for Christmas morning has a much different perspective than it was when I was a little girl.
Last night, I slept like a baby. Quietly exiting my bedroom to come to the room where our tree stands decorated is still occurring, but the reason is different. I wanted to be surrounded by the feels of Christmas morning, while pondering on the excitement of Jesus’ birth. A candle was lit.The twinkling lights were turned on. I nested onto my couch and stared at the nativity scene, imagining that first Christmas morning.
The hope I had of receiving a bike cannot compare to the joy I have for The Greatest Gift of all…Jesus Christ.
I think about the anticipation I have now, and it is for all to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to expectantly wait on His return.
May your Christmas be filled with much hope, joy, and love for God’s Son. He IS the reason for this day and always.
Blessings to you and yours,
We Believe…the Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for you and me, defeated death by rising from the grave, walked the earth until He vividly descended into Heaven, and He will return for those who believe.