You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3

Peace. Well, there’s a word that we can all ponder on for a bit. And perfect peace? Is that a thing?

Do you strive for tranquility in your job, relationships, and/or home? 

Do you find yourself being consumed with the busyness of life, yet yearning for solitude?

Have you turned on the news to see such conflict in our world, and want to breathe a fresh breath of harmony on what you observe?

Friend, no matter where you are in life or what you perceive in your surroundings, I’d like to encourage you to take a breath of quietness with God. Adjust your focus on Christ.

How? Here’s a couple of habits I do each morning. Maybe they will help you:

  • Before you seek the face of man, seek the face of God. You can do this by, when you wake each day, talk to God. Say a little prayer of gratitude. It may even be as simple as, “Thank You, Lord, for a new day.” Moreover, expand the chat with God to be more like this, “Thank You, Lord, for a new day. Open my eyes to see the glory You have for me, and to embrace that gloriousness. Help me to be the light wherever I go, so that others will see You. You are amazing, God. I love You.” Before you know it, you may find yourself praying so much that you’ve fallen back asleep on God. I have done that many times.
  • Before you turn on the news, radio, social media, or even converse with anyone, read His word and allow Him to speak to you first. This may take less than a minute by tapping on a bible app on your phone to read a verse of the day. Turn that verse into a prayer. Ponder on the scripture that is before you. Remember it throughout the day. My verse for today was Isaiah 26:3. A prayer could be: “Lord, I trust in You. Fill me with Your perfect peace. Let me sense that peace throughout my day in any situation. No matter what comes my way, may my eyes and thoughts be fixed on You. I love You, Lord. Amen.”

I want to encourage you to simply try these two things each day. You will discover that when you begin your day chatting with Jesus and reading God’s word, your eyes will awaken to His goodness and your thoughts reflecting on His greatness, then His perfect peace will wash over you as you trust in Him. 

That’s that word perfect again. Listen, only God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are perfect. When you are in relationship with them, the peace that comes with it is exquisite.

Trust in Him.

Exhale, my friend, the calmness that only He can bring to you.

Blessings to you and yours,



Featured photo: Overlooking the setting sun, on the cliffs of South Africa, brought much peace to me. Find peace in His creation.

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