Do you need a new perspective?

Perspective is one of huge words for me. I often call it putting on my “God goggles”.  In the story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19, verse four stuck with me today.

So he ran to a place where he knew Jesus would come. Then he climbed a sycamore tree so he could see him. Luke 19:4

When I read this verse a few things/memories came to my mind:

  • I remember climbing trees as a little girl. My granny and grandpa had this great cluster of live oak trees where the limbs made it easy to climb.
  • We have a couple of hunting tree stands on our property. I love to just climb up, perch myself in the seat, and simply breathe, glance around, and appreciate the beauty of the earth God gives to us. 
  • After the latest hurricane (Milton) paid my native land a visit, I climbed the stand closest to our home to survey the rising water level in our backyard. Seeing my surroundings from a higher level gave me a greater viewpoint as to how high and far the water came to our home.
  • Speaking of Hurricane Milton, my dear friend had the opportunity to fly in a helicopter to observe the flooding and destruction to our county and hometown. She said, “You think the destruction and flooding is bad when you see it from the ground, it is so much worse when viewed from the air.”

Zacchaeus climbed to see…to get a better viewpoint…of Jesus Christ. His higher physical position was noticed by Jesus, which led to an invitation, which led to not a higher physical perspective yet a spiritual perspective. He put on his God goggles and saw the way Jesus wanted him to see.

Through our daily lives, we need to put on our God goggles and see others and situations the way Jesus does. Give more compassion. Be more generous. Become humble. 

I pray that your spiritual perspective shifts to observe life the way God wants you to see, say, and live.

Blessings to you and yours,



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