I’m on to my next minor prophet, Zechariah, who has some major lessons. If you’re following along, I mentioned that I’m going to be a bit unconventional and work my way backwards in the Old Testament to learn about the minor prophets. Should I continue posting all my thoughts and findings or tease you here and there? Through it all, I truly want to encourage you to want to dig deeper into God’s word yourself. Enjoy learning and growing in God’s knowledge and wisdom. We have so much to learn from the bible.

God is jealous for our devotion. This is one of the themes from the book of Zechariah. Another theme is hope. There is hope in the future. You can have that hope now.

My notes:

Zechariah 1

First of all…we could create some great devotions from every verse. I love God’s word! Example after example as to how to live and also what-not-to-do. Are you ready?

  • V2-4, “Return to Me, and I will return to you.” God said this. At this point in history, the Jews were returning from captivity in Babylon. They were there as a result of the choices their ancestors had made. We are to learn from those in the past (v.4). Whether we learn from those around us, generations before us, or those in the bible, absorbing God’s ways should be our first step in gaining knowledge on how to live. Get in His word and return to right living.
  • V 5-6, God means what He says. His words are true. When we choose the opposite of what God wants us to do, we will pay a price. Own up to your wrongs, and make them right. Be responsible for your actions. We know where Christ stands in situations, so follow His ways or get ready to pay the price. Spoiler alert…God wins in the end, so get right with Him.
  • V7, I noticed that the lineage of Zechariah is mentioned again, just like in verse 1. This made me think about the importance our lifestyle and walk with Christ is, not just for us yet for future generations. Let’s make sure we are setting a godly example for our children, grandchildren, and more generations to come. 
  • V8, Okay, before I could read any further, I had to look up the symbolism for myrtle trees. (Click here to read.) After reading, it filled me with excitement and curiosity to continue with the story of the interpretation of Zechariah’s dream, and made me want to go buy and plant some myrtle trees. We used to have them in every yard we have ever owned. They were so beautiful to gaze at. Now I know they are edible and even used for medicinal purposes. (Click here to discover for yourself.) Now…back to the bible.
  • V9, Haha. I was so focused on the myrtle tree, and Zechariah wanted to know about the horses. Let’s read and find out.
  • V 10-11, These verses are a reminder that God’s army of angels are all around us. They are fighting battles for us that we don’t even know about. This brings me peace.(See Psalm 91:11-12, Exodus 23:20,Matthew 18:10, Hebrew 1:14, Psalm 103:19-22, Hebrews 13:2, and Revelation 5:11-12)
  • V 12-13, The angels and God just chatting away. We can do the same. That is what prayer is all about…having a conversation with Jesus. In these verses, the angels were interceding for the people of Jerusalem.  What the Lord said would happen to the Jews back in Jeremiah 29:10 happened. It has now been seventy years, and now the Lord kept His promise. Peace and comfort were now on the horizon.
  • V14, Oh, friend, the Lord’s feelings for Jerusalem are the same for us…His love is passionate and strong for us. Let’s return those feelings for Christ as well.
  • V16-17, The Lord’s temple will be rebuilt. From what I read in various commentaries, He isn’t just referring to a building, yet the coming Messiah. Dig deep. Read. Learn. Grow in knowledge.
  • V 18-21, These verses describe the vision of four horns and four blacksmiths. In my bible’s study notes, it says that the four horns are the four world powers that oppressed Israel: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, and Medo-Persia. In Matthew Henry’s commentary, I like how he put it, “When God has work to do, He will raise up some to do it, and others to defend it, and to protect those employed in doing it.” The blacksmiths are God’s defenders.

Questions to ponder:

  • Are you drifting away from your relationship with Jesus? He is waiting on those who have strayed to come back.
  • What can you do to show your passionate and strong love for Jesus Christ? Be bold. Hold firm to your faith in Him.

God is jealous for you! He wants a relationship with you! His jealousy is not envy, it is a want and need for you. 

Blessings to you and yours,


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