Have you ever heard or used the terms, “My life is in the dumps?” or when you’ve made a decision only to realize later it led you to “feel like crap”? Well, those are the thoughts that came to mind when I read Malachi 2:3. I had to laugh at the writing, because the choice of words the Lord used cracked me up, and even made me go, “Ouch”.
Yes, there have been times when I felt “down in the dumps”, or “like crap” due to making the wrong (not-so-honorable) decision. It is my prayer to be led by God’s guidance, and not my own or others’ persuasion, in every decision in my life. No matter how big or small the choice is, bringing glory to God should be the top priority in the decision-making process.
There are consequences to the choices we make in life. The choices we make will either honor or dishonor God, especially when we say we are Christ followers. The consequences…a blessing or a curse.
Continuing with my readings in Malachi, here are my notes from chapter two:
- Verse 1, We have a choice…honor God or not.
- 2, Take God seriously. The warnings He gives in the bible are not suggestions. When we heed to His warnings, the consequences are not to harm us, yet for our benefit.
- 3, hahaha…Listen to God, or your life will be poopoo/trash.
- 5, God wants to bring life and peace. We must respect God in order to receive it.
- 6, Share God’s message with others. Walk closely with God. Help turn others to God and from sin. Be truthful. Don’t lie. Walk with the Lord in peace and uprightness. Respect and honor God.
- 7-8, Even today, our pastors and priests need to know God’s word, apply it to their lives, live righteously, and teach The Truth. (Sounds like a good message for us Christians.)
- 9, Ouch, the priests were showing favoritism to others. Beware. God already mentioned, in chapter one, how He does not play favorites…We shouldn’t either.
- 10, God created us all. Be kind.
- 11-12, These verses made me think about our Christian life and how we are in a marriage-type relationship with Christ. (Ephesians 5:22-23)
- 13, They sound hypocritical.
- 11-16, Marriage is important to God. A husband and wife are to guard their hearts, remain faithful, and if children are a part of the union…raise them to love and honor the Lord. Worship God honorably, not hypocritically.
- 15-16, God’s word to the priests rings true for us as Christians…do not cheat on Christ (our Groom).
There is a difference between being religious and having a relationship. Jesus doesn’t want religious rituals, He desires honest and loyal relationships.
Here’s some questions for you to ponder on:
- Are your actions and attitude causing others to stumble? If so, what are you going to do about it?
- How is your relationship with God? How are your relationships with others?
Remember…the way you treat others is a reflection of your relationship with God.
Do for others what you would want them to do for you. This is the meaning of the Law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets. Matthew 7:12
So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
Blessings to you and yours,