Stuck or Staying Where You are?

Have you ever wanted to go somewhere exciting, but you had to stay where you were?  Maybe you live in a town that you are ready to get out of. You try to leave, but God has plans for you right where you are.  Chances are you did leave, but God brought you back to your...

Respected or Popular?

Often as a Christian you will have to do things that may not make you popular with others.  You may do what is right and good for the final outcome, but others may not appreciate what you do at that moment. A friend of mine’s dad would tell his three girls, “Do you...

You are Crowned with Mercy.

“MERCY!!” was the cry we heard coming from another room. I’ll never forget the time when one of my children wasn’t feeling well. This child was not one to be graceful when regurgitating. You would have thought that someone had lit a fire in their belly each time they...

To see or not to see "Fifty Shades of Grey"

Disclaimer:  I would encourage adults to read this before you decide to share it with a younger audience. Here we go…First of all, I am not here to pass judgment onto anyone.  God clearly tells us not to do that throughout the bible. I want to share with you some...