Tips/insight/thoughts when doing a bible study:

Tips/insight/thoughts when doing a bible study:

I am beginning a new in-depth bible study with three young ladies. These twenty-somethings are at different stages in their walk with God. This may be their first bible study or at least their first in-depth one that requires homework. We are studying When You Pray...
Quench your thirst!

Quench your thirst!

I guess I’m not the only thirsty one.  Normally I see the sandhill cranes and turkey pecking the ground for insects or corn near the deer feeder and throughout the yard.  While sitting in my screened-in lean-to, preparing for a speaking engagement, I saw three cranes...
Time to withdraw

Time to withdraw

But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer. Luke 5:16 I’m just following Jesus’ lead. A message came in my email inbox that reminded me that I’ve been quiet in journaling, and they were asking if I was okay. It humbled and honored me by proving to my...
Prayer and Impossibility (object lesson too)

Prayer and Impossibility (object lesson too)

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Philippians 4:6 Pray should be like breathing. Inhale and exhale God. Chatting with Jesus can, and in my opinion should, be done throughout the day....