Look up for a lift up

Look up for a lift up

While walking down our country road we are often going to see a hawk or two if not more.  When I saw this one hawk take flight from the electric line, and through the pine forest, I observed his movements.  He rapidly and with purpose flapped his wings, then glided a...
Soak It In

Soak It In

I had no idea what the weather was doing this morning. I rose from my bed, read the scripture for the day, opened the bedroom door to let the dog out, then as I opened the front door I heard rain falling from the sky with the wind hounding through the landscape.  No...
God Provides

God Provides

This weekend I went with my Shuff men on my first quail hunt.  I had no expectations, except to get at least one quail and have fun with my guys. When quail is mentioned in the bible, it is evident that it is an example of how God provides. That evening, flocks of...
Are you with me?

Are you with me?

Reading and digging into God’s word is a necessity for living. The Bible is often called Life’s Instruction Book. I began reading the book of Daniel and posting a chapter a day on the Soaking up The Son YouTube channel last month. Recently, the book of Acts has been...
Be Grateful

Be Grateful

Recently I’ve been reminded to stop and appreciate the things in life we just may take for granted and to be grateful for what we have. While visiting with a friend, who was hospitalized for over a month with COVID, we talked about how precious it is to simply breathe...