Something is revealed.  Something needs revealing.

Something is revealed. Something needs revealing.

Y’all!  This purchase is too cool, yet super gross at the same time!  This product made me think about the sins in our lives. Recently, I went shopping with my sister-in-love, Wendy.  Her son, Luke, works at a place where they have bins of overstocked Amazon and...
A time of reflection and rest.

A time of reflection and rest.

Easter Saturday.  What happened on the day between Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection?  No one really knows, but from what I understand it was possibly a time of reflection and rest. So, I have spent much time today in prayer, in God’s glorious word, and reflecting...
Make Good Friday Great

Make Good Friday Great

As I was reading past journal entries on Good Friday, I came across the below insertion. Here’s the journal entry it was in: When I typed in “Good Friday” in the search portion of...
God does not lie.

God does not lie.

If we say that we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, God will forgive us. We can trust God to do this. He always does what is right. He will make us clean from all the wrong things we have done. If we say...
Happy Quarter of a Century to our eldest!

Happy Quarter of a Century to our eldest!

Twenty five years ago. Where were you 25 years ago?  Some may say “I wasn’t even born”, others may say “1996…I was dancing under the stars to Celine Dion’s number one hit ‘Because you loved me’”…well, maybe not that lovey dovey, but then again…. I can tell...
I just couldn’t wait to share!

I just couldn’t wait to share!

Reading through the books of Acts is encouraging.   I haven’t been doing the video for each chapter lately because I’ve been busy with the 2021 Florida Strawberry Festival. But…I couldn’t wait to share the powerful insight I gained from reading Acts 17. I want...