by ssadmin | Dec 17, 2018 | Daily Journaling
Happy Motivational Monday! Can you use a bit of perspective refocusing? Especially during this time of year when lines are long, traffic is crazy, and well…life just happens. Please enjoy today’s video. Watch until the end. I thought I was signing off until I...
by ssadmin | Dec 14, 2018 | Daily Journaling
Oh how precious God’s word is! I remember years ago a friend of mine said to me, “Don’t you tell Holly ‘Good morning, Beautiful!’ daily?”, and he explained what he says to his daughter and why. Well, let’s just say that after that…I sure do! I may leave my...
by ssadmin | Dec 12, 2018 | Daily Journaling
Wow! What a day! Turning FIFTY…ain’t nothin’ but a number. And if all birthdays are this good, bring them on! Recently, I had a health scare. After blood test, cultures, an ultrasound, a CTScan, doctors visits, and some powerful prayer warriors standing with...
by ssadmin | Dec 10, 2018 | Daily Journaling
Happy Motivational Monday! What do you do with your Christmas cards? I hope to motivate, maybe challenge you, and know that I will be praying for you. First of all, I ask that you pray for all people. Ask God to bless them and give them what they need. And give...
by ssadmin | Dec 7, 2018 | Daily Journaling
It’s often hard to tell if God answered our prayer or did Satan decide to step in and deceive us with an answer. Prayer is a HUGE part of my life. Chatting with God is like breathing to me. Surrounding yourself with prayer warriors is big too. During those times...
by ssadmin | Dec 6, 2018 | Daily Journaling
I’m so excited about a couple of things!! One…IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME!!! Two…THIS SHIRT!! When I showed my family this shirt last night, Cole says, “So what is your meaning behind it?” When I gave him this long-for-him, yet brief-for-me, explanation, he said,...