What I really want for Mother's Day

  Recently a dear friend, Dede, “copied and pasted” a wonderful answer to the question, “Mom, what do you want for Mother’s Day?” The response is more than wonderful it’s spot on: I want you. I want you to keep coming around, I want you to bring your girlfriends...

Do you need or want Jesus?

Recently my family rose from slumber to begin a day of work around the home. The list of things-to-do would grow throughout the morning as a new need would arise. I made the comment, “I need to go spend some time with Jesus.” A family member replied, “You don’t ‘need’...
Better Than Expected

Better Than Expected

God’s gone and done it again. This morning “my plan” was to sit in my oversized comfy chair in my study, and get busy spending time with Jesus. I had three devotionals I was working on, and I was ready to begin studying and typing. Then, as Tim was leaving for work,...

Take It Easy

Slow ride…take it easy. No, I’m not talking about the song. I’m thinking about life. This is a lesson that I have learned and continue to learn. I look around the sphere I’m in, and observe the people hustling and bustling through life, “they” make me want to just...

"It is finished." Really?

We hear those words, “It is finished!” in John 19:30 as Jesus took His last breath. But is it really finished? Let’s probe into what was supposedly finished: What did Jesus finish? “I brought glory to You here on earth by completing the work You gave me to do.” John...

The Choice is Yours

Thought One: They called out to Him, “If you are the King of the Jews, save Yourself.” Luke 23:37 I can imagine Jesus forgivingly looking at them and saying to Himself, “It’s not about me now, I’m busy saving all of you.” Why do I say forgivingly? Because in verse 34,...