Soaking up the Son
God is alive and active. He uses every day experiences to reveal Himself to us. See what simple or crazy life lessons God reveals to me. Challenge yourself to see, speak with, and listen to God daily.
Join Me on My Journey
Pack your bags and head to the beach. Enjoy traveling around the coasts of Florida with Cole and Holly, as they learn valuable lessons while experiencing life with their family.
From building sandcastles in Saint Augustine to capturing lobster in the Keys, you will explore the beaches and learn fun facts about each location.
Some of the lessons you will learn are taking care of our environment, discovering joy in watching God’s creation, and finding courage when times can be a bit scary.
On each page keep your eyes open with anticipation as you search for a special crab. May this interactive book remind you to keep your eyes open to all the glorious surroundings God gives us each day.
The author, Stephanie Shuff, is delighted to share just a few of their family beach experiences with you all. The Shuff family loves spending time on their boat, traveling to different beaches in their home state, and allowing God to speak to them through His glorious creation.The illustrator, Deborah Smith, beautifully captures each memory through her lively illustrations.
Join Hunter and his mom as she takes him by the hand and reminisces about her childhood. When Hunter finds himself in trouble, he runs to his mother for comfort and protection. Through this engaging story, you will discover that we all can learn from this little boy’s dilemma. It doesn’t matter the age or the stage you are in, find comfort in knowing that you can run to our Heavenly Father for protection and guidance. On each page keep your eyes open with anticipation as you search for a special ant. May this interactive book remind you to keep your eyes open to all the glorious surroundings God gives us each day. The author vividly portrays this story that occurred between her and her boy when he was a toddler. The illustrator, Deborah Smith, beautifully illustrates Stephanie’s childhood memories.
About Stephanie Shuff
I am a blessed girl! God uses everyday situations in my life to teach me about Him and His love. God’s Word is alive and active! A verse that I may have read last year, last week, or even yesterday, may have a new meaning to me depending on the season of life I’m in. This isn’t just true for me, but for you too. I thank you for reading and sharing this blog. I pray that God will speak to you through it all.
Become a Christian
In your personal opinion, what do you understand it takes for a person to go to heaven? It is as simple as spelling the word faith out on each finger.
Daily Walking with God
It's more than a "dab"
In yesterday’s journal entry, after reading “Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May your glory shine over all the earth” Psalm 108:5, I asked the question “Do you think that God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’s presence is evident in our world ALL over...
Will a "little dab do ya"?
“Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May your glory shine over all the earth.” Psalm 108:5 “A little dab will do ya.” Have you ever heard of this slogan from the 1950-60s for a hair product for men? Oh my! When I read Psalm 108:5 I thought to myself,...
It's Mother's Day!
My momma! <3 Today is the day we celebrate moms. I already come to terms in my mind that when we give flowers to moms in the church service, that this was the first time I didn’t have ANY of my moms to give a flower and a hug to. Tim’s mom is celebrating this day...
Get you "stuff" out of the way!
Seriously? How can we go through this much laundry in just a few days? If you’re like me, laundry is not one of your favorite chores. I’ll wash and dry all day, but folding and putting away? Ugh! That’s what children are for, right? (Just Kidding, no not really.) ...
Are your senses working?
Happy Early Mother’s Day to me! Tim came home from a fishing trip to the Bahamas this week. While he was gone I thought about sending him a text to request some Bimini bread. This bread is has a hint of sweetness to it. My mouth was watering just thinking about...
Can others see a difference in you?
As some of you know, this chic, at the young age of forty-five, got Invisalign. (Two devotional entries right here.) Last week, one of my students looks at me and said, “Ms., your teeth are getting straighter!” (the students rarely say your last name), I proudly...
The "Integers" of Life
Y’all, y’all, and y’all!!! (I think that about covers everyone.) Listen up! There are some critical issues going on in our children’s lives. And your prayers are needed. Being a teacher isn’t just about teaching reading, writing, and math. Oh no. My job goes way...
Time to make an appointment.
Really? God’s done gone and done it again. This morning I was going to journal about one topic, “Can others see a difference in you?”, but my heart kept leading me to ask for prayer for others. When I came to my computer I was led to click on my bible icon. Low and...
Shhh, listen…God's got something to say.
Friday morning I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. (Southern expression) I prayed my morning prayer, and then just “got busy doing ‘stuff’”. I had just said out loud (Yes, I talk to God out loud just casually.), “LORD, slow me down”, when I...
Worthy of Honor and Praise
Last night my family attended Holly’s induction ceremony to The National Honor Society. When I returned home, and even waking up to the thought this morning, the word “honor” kept being on the forefront of my mind. Since my feet hit the ground today I’ve been singing...
This is important!
This thing is powerful! It changes things. Anyone can do it. You often do it when you’re thankful, heavily burdened, worried, grateful, and even when you don’t know how to feel. Some do this in a crowd or completely alone. Your eyes can be open or closed. You can...
Run, run, run. Sometimes running seems to be all we are doing in life. Just don’t run yourself ragged. But…we do sometimes. Don’t we? Who do you run to? Why do you run? “They run to do something evil.” (verse 16) Proverbs 1:8-19 In these verses in Proverbs, it...