Soaking up the Son

God is alive and active. He uses every day experiences to reveal Himself to us. See what simple or crazy life lessons God reveals to me. Challenge yourself to see, speak with, and listen to God daily.

Join Me on My Journey

Stephanie Shuff

About Stephanie Shuff

I am a blessed girl! God uses everyday situations in my life to teach me about Him and His love. God’s Word is alive and active! A verse that I may have read last year, last week, or even yesterday, may have a new meaning to me depending on the season of life I’m in. This isn’t just true for me, but for you too. I thank you for reading and sharing this blog. I pray that God will speak to you through it all.

Become a Christian

Become a Christian

In your personal opinion, what do you understand it takes for a person to go to heaven? It is as simple as spelling the word faith out on each finger.

Daily Walking with God

Extra, Extra, Read all about It!

Birth, engagement, and graduation announcements. You see these types of  proclamations in the newspaper, posted on a social network, and receiving a personal announcement or invitation in the mail.  When exciting things happen in people’s lives, they want share it...

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Just askin'

Just asking… What controls you? I jokingly asked Tim this morning when he walked into the family room, “What controls you?”  He quickly responded in a light-hearted way, “You!  Didn’t you see me doing all that plumbing work in the bathrooms for you the other night.” ...

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Making a list and checking it twice

This morning, before I even turned on my computer to start reading the “Walking in the Word” scriptures, I was thinking about how Tim and I are going shopping tonight.  I was going through my mental list and checking it twice on the “things” I “want” to get the kids...

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I've Got a Feeling

I've Got a Feeling

“Oh, how wonderful, how pleasing it is when God’s people all come together as one!” Psalm 133:1 (ERV) When I first read Psalm 133:1, I had a peaceful feeling, and the countenance on my face was a soft smile.  The Easy-to-Read Version was the first translation I read. ...

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The good way to live

“But keep the Lord Christ holy in your hearts. Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you to explain about the hope you have. 16 But answer them in a gentle way with respect. Keep your conscience clear. Then people will see the good way you live as followers of...

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Time to herd'em up

For “you were like sheep going astray,” so God got on His four-wheeler and rounded you up and brought you home. 1 Peter 2:25 Okay, so verse 25 doesn’t say those words after the quotation marks, but that is where my thoughts went to.  Why?  Well, Cole has been found a...

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"A Prayer of Humble Trust"

 “Lord, I have given up my pride and turned away from my arrogance. I am not concerned with great matters or with subjects too difficult for me.  Instead, I am content and at peace. As a child lies quietly in its mother's arms, so my heart is quiet within me.  Israel,...

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What will last forever? Not my plants.

“All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall,  but the word of the Lord endures forever.” 1 Peter 1:24-25. Thank goodness that God’s word is not like the bougainvillea in my backyard!  We have...

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Relationship Qualities

This morning when I started off reading God's word, I was embarrassed about the words I was reading. Ezekiel was all about prostitution, and believe me it was explicit in some areas. Ugh. After reading through all the scriptures, I read James 4:8 to Tim and asked him...

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My Three Kids

There were so many fabulous scriptures in today's reading. But I couldn't help but focus on a couple with my children in mind. I know I totally used to take this one verse out of context, but I prayed it over my youngest son, Cole, quite often when he was young. See,...

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Edgy or honest?

This is the week of Thanksgiving.  For our family, during this season of our lives, that means a trip to Kentucky. Each day someone is sitting in a tree stand or some type of blind to hunt for the following year’s meat…deer. Yesterday morning and late afternoon I was...

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Sin all you want

"Be slow to listen, quick to speak and quick to become angry." Is that what James 1:19 says? What about James 1:21, "Cuss like a sailor and sin all you want."? No way of both accounts. God desires so much more for us. "His word is planted in us, and His word can save...

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