A Lasting Intimacy

Dear Younger Me, Temptation is strong, present, and real. You will be tempted many times in your life to give into having ANY form of sexual relations with someone. Being tempted isn’t a sin. When you give in to that temptation…THAT is sin. You will go away to college...

Was Jesus "in love"?

This weekend I was asked an interesting question.  “Did Jesus ever fall ‘in love’ with a woman the way we fall in love with the opposite sex, and have desires like us?”  My mind was quick to respond, but heart made me wait and try to put the right words together. In...

Beware. Temptation.

Temptation is a desire or craving for something, especially something considered wrong (Encarta Dictionary).   It is out there, and it is everywhere. I just had a brief conversation about temptation last night with one of my children.  This conversation led to a...

Remember This

Things to remember: ·         No one is above being tempted, even Jesus was. ·         Satan knows your weaknesses and will use them against you. ·         No your Scripture. Commit scripture to memory. ·         Satan/sin can be very enticing as if it is the best way...
A time to pray

A time to pray

It had been a while since I actually sat in front of my prayer wall to see each name and concern written in chalk. Praying for those written on the wall are often on the forefront of my thoughts, but intentionally following up on their situation…that was lacking. The...