Stop It

Stop It

Recently, I was at my brother Kevin’s home.  I always enjoy the transparent and Jesus-filled chats we have with one another.  One morning we were discussing life with raising adult children. Ugh! I do believe that, although this stage (ages 18-24) are loads of fun,...
Broken Pieces

Broken Pieces

Recently I was at my mom’s new home in Georgia helping her unpack her belongings and making her cardboard-box-filled-house feel more like a comfy home.  They had been unpacking for the past couple of weeks and discovered many items were broken during the move....
Is this part of the cure?

Is this part of the cure?

This morning I was briefly watching the local news.  On Tampa Bay’s Fox 13, Dr. Jo is their Health Reporter.  What Dr. Jo was informing us about, regarding a new study being done with COVIS-19 patients and those with respiratory issues, was interesting.  She told of...
Live Expectantly…Cease this opportunity.

Live Expectantly…Cease this opportunity.

During my scripture reading this morning, I could only get through 14 verses before I just had to type and share with you.  Please read and be ready to live expectantly and seize the opportunity in life we have right now. Luke 12:35-59 So, when I ready verses 35-40...
Lessons we can all learn from The Forgotten Coast

Lessons we can all learn from The Forgotten Coast

Life Lesson right here, y’all.  Listen up: I recently visited the “Forgotten Coast”.  The drive along Florida’s west coast, from St. Marks to Mexico Beach, is called Forgotten Coast Highway. On a postcard I purchased it reads, “Quaint towns and tiny fishing villages...