A Mother's Desire for Her Children

I don’t know about what happens in your home, but in my house “what momma wants momma usually gets”, especially around Mother’s Day. The majority of the time, what I want is most likely within reason, beneficial, and bathed in prayer. Okay, there are those extravagant...

Words to Brighten Your Day

This week I have been in a funk. A spiritual and physical funk. But…today is a new day! When I went to wash my face I read the words on the product I was using. It read, “skin brightening daily scrub”. As I was massaging the cleanser on my face I thought about the...

Do you follow your heart or Me?

“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives.  I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.”  Jeremiah...

Do you need some encouragement?

Yesterday I received a text from a dear soul to me that read, “Any chance you are available tomorrow afternoon for some me time?  I really could use some encouragement.” My reply was, “Yes!” What about you?  Could you use some encouragement? I woke up this morning...

Don't steal my joy.

The other day at school someone posted a paper in different areas of the school. On that paper it read to “Take one”.  Take what?  Well, at the bottom of the page it had words, in a tag format, for you to rip one off and take like, peace, love, joy,… I guess you could...