Not a resolution, a true commitment:

Not a resolution, a true commitment:

Be still. For the past few weeks, it has been on my heart and mind to make some changes.  I had come to a decision last Friday, and then my pastor’s sermon confirmed it. (Doesn’t it often feel that a certain Sunday sermon was directed specifically to you?) Pastor...
Not what I was expecting…

Not what I was expecting…

The Sunday worship service had come to an end. The boys were on their way to play golf and I had a plan. My plan included a brief lunch and an extended nap. Do you ever just crave something to eat, and you can just taste it in your mouth before you even see it? That’s...
Life after death? Heaven is real!

Life after death? Heaven is real!

A couple of weeks ago, my son (Cole) and I were watching a show that centered its storyline around the question, “Is there life after death?”.  I’ve always been fascinated with stories from those who have had a near death experience.  Are they true?  Do you believe?...
Living for a Purpose

Living for a Purpose

When I read my scripture this morning, I had to smile and thank God, say a prayer, and I just knew what I had to briefly share with you today. This weekend I had a heart-to-heart conversation with someone about how they are living their life. One of the topics...
We loved you Savannah, GA

We loved you Savannah, GA

Okay, in yesterday’s Motivational Monday video I mentioned that I would share with you all the places we ventured of to while exploring the wonderful city of Savannah, Georgia. So…here you go: Palm Valley Fish Camp (Not in...