A Lost Cause

I’m glad we are not like my thumb-drive…“a lost cause”. A few weeks back one of my students walked by my classroom computer and accidentally bumped into my thumb-drive while going back to his seat.  When he did, it bent the chip inside.  (He has no clue he did it.  I...

Keep your eye on the Immoveable

We live in a world where things are always changing; Minds, relationships, beliefs, styles, hair-color.  You name it, things just seem to adjust to the times or moods of our society. When you want some stability in life or one thing to focus on, there is only one...

A growing family.

I will never forget the words that Dr. Yonfa said to me while Tim and I were waiting on our first born child.  He came into the hospital room and said, “We need to take the baby.  He’s losing oxygen.”  Without hesitation I replied, “Do whatever you have to do to save...

Get fit.

I love dimples!  My husband has great dimples on his cheeks and chin, and my children acquired them to a lesser degree. Too cute!  But…I do not love dimples that I see on areas of my body exposed while wearing a swimsuit. Nope.  Negative. No thanks! Yesterday, on my...

God says, "Just wait for it."

What a glorious morning.  No, I wasn’t able to see the sunrise when it originally rose, but like my friend Bill says, “Just because you can’t see the sun rising, doesn’t mean it’s not there.” I took a picture ever so often for about 45 minutes as God stroked the sky...