This morning I took a peaceful prayer walk on the property.  The birds were singing, the breeze was welcoming, and tranquility filled the air. Oh…and Layla joined me too.

That’s not a bear…that’s Layla. LOL! On the grassy terrain.

While walking my mind raced with devotional ideas.  Looking at the different terrains I walked across, I thought about The Parable of The Sower, Matthew 13:1-23 .  When I brushed against one of those “hitchhiker” bushes, I thought about how people may attach themselves to you as you live your life for Christ, thinking that they can go to as long as they are in “good-company”…when really, that is a decision they have to make between them and God.  It’s not a who-you-know-thing to get to heaven. Then…this morning’s bible verse was on the forefront of each thought:
God wants everyone to be saved and to fully understand the truth. There is only one God, and there is only one way that people can reach God. That way is through Christ Jesus, who as a man gave himself to pay for everyone to be free. This is the message that was given to us at just the right time.  1 Timothy 2:4-6

Here’s the deal:  I had a choice this morning whether to eat an apple or a handful of M&Ms.  Although I’m sure M&Ms will find their way to my mouth later today, I chose the apple.  This is just one of already a ton of choices I had to make today. Life is about choices.  You have to choose whether you are going to live for God or the world. Yet…there is NOT a choice as to how-to-get-to-heaven.  There is ONLY one way! That was is through Jesus Christ.
One way! It’s not who your parents or grandparents are, or how good of a person you are, or whatever other thought you may have as to how to get to heaven.  It’s about you accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and living for Him.

My favorite tree in the woods.

Friend, I want to encourage you to live for God.  Much like the various terrains I trampled on during my walk, walking with Christ will have its moments of roughness, smoothness, curves, and bumps, but with God…He will make your path straight and lead you to glory with Him in the end.
Blessings to you and yours,
Journal entries with “hitchhikers”.
Scatter the seeds journal entry.

More of the muddy terrain.

Rocky terrain.

Cole named this one Rich.

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